The female genitals

What you can see ...

Unlike the male sexual organs, the female ones are mostly found inside the body.

- The external and visible part, often called with poetic or figurative terms, groups the mucous membranes and is called the vulva.

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- First of all, the pubis can be distinguished, and it is the cushion of flesh that covers the bones of the pelvis.

- Then there are the labia majora and labia minora, which can be more or less visible, depending on their shape. Opening them slightly, you will discover, in the area called the vestibular, the orifice of the urethra (from where the urine comes out) and, a little further back, the entrance to the vagina.

- The labia minora rejoin at the base, forming a hood that protects the clitoris. The latter has the shape of a gem and the ability to suffer an erection. Extremely rich in nerve endings, the clitoris is the main source of pleasure for the woman.

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… And what you can't see

It is inside the female body that the genitals intended for reproductive functions are found.

- The ovaries are located on both sides of the lower abdomen and enclose the ova.

- The fallopian tubes depart from the ovaries to reach the uterus.

- The uterus is intended to accommodate any embryo. Under the influence of the hormones emitted by the ovaries, its internal wall changes, thus preparing to receive the fertilized egg.

- The funnel-shaped vagina is very rich in blood vessels. About 8 cm deep, it is particularly elastic, which allows the man to be able to insert his penis during sexual intercourse, but also for the baby to be able to go out during childbirth. At the entrance to the vagina there is a small membrane, more or less thick: the hymen. This has a small perforation in the center that allows menstrual blood to flow and is present in girls who are still virgin. It is during the first sexual intercourse that this membrane usually ruptures (which can cause a slight bleeding), but it can also be ruptured by practicing sports such as dance or gymnastics.

Organs sensitive to pleasure

The female genitals react to stimulation and are a source of pleasure. Some of these parts will then undergo temporary transformations. During arousal, the volume of the labia minora will grow, the flow of blood to the labia minora will increase, which will become larger and redder. Once stimulated, the clitoris will also swell and come out of its hood. Inside, the vagina will be much more irrigated and will produce secretions designed to facilitate penetration. During orgasm, his muscles will contract. Once the arousal has passed, the organs will resume normal shape and size.

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The cycles

The functioning of the female sexual organs follows a well-defined cycle which is repeated every 28 days. During the first phase, which lasts 12 to 14 days, the ovaries produce the hormones needed to mature an egg. During this period, the uterus prepares to receive the arrival of a possible embryo (ie an egg fertilized by a sperm). At the end of this maturation, the ovum is expelled into one of the fallopian tubes: ovulation has begun. The egg lives a few days, and only at that stage can it be fertilized by a sperm. In this case, it will slide towards the uterus, and then develop, giving birth to a fetus. Otherwise, it dies, and the inner wall of the uterus gradually falls apart. The blood that composes it comes out through the vagina, causing menstruation, and the ovaries will start producing the hormones to create a new egg.

The biological clock

A woman can only conceive children during a certain period of her life, as she has a limited number of fertilizable eggs. This quantity is defined at the time of birth.When this "reserve" runs out, the ovaries quickly stop producing hormones, and therefore stop functioning. It is about menopause, that is, the definitive end of female fertility. There are treatments to compensate for the disorders related to this phase, but no one is able to restart the mechanism. However, this does not mean that a woman can no longer have sex.

Organs susceptible to infections and diseases

Just like other organs in the human body, the genitals can also be infected with germs or infected with viruses. Some of these are benign (mycosis, urinary infections) and can be treated with antibiotics, others are more serious. Others are even incurable, such as AIDS for example. But all are contagious and it is therefore important to be on guard. Good personal hygiene (water and soap-free intimate cleansers) can prevent certain infections, but are not sufficient against sexually transmitted diseases. It is therefore recommended to use effective means of protection, since the sexual organs must be healthy to function well, thus ensuring a satisfying sex life.

See also:
Ovulation in fifteen questions
Cervical cancer
Broken condom? Here's what to do
The morning after pill
The gynecological examination
The female condom
The cunnilingus
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