Cold sores: know it and fight it

What is herpes?

Herpes (or herpes) is triggered by the presence of various viruses, belonging to the family of Herpesviridae, which manifest themselves with skin blisters, located in different areas depending on the triggering virus.

The best known and most widespread is undoubtedly the "herpeslabialis, caused by"herpessimplex, which appears on the lips as a pinch, and then turns into blisters which later dry up forming a small yellow crust. The latter disappears within 7-10 days, often without the need for specific treatments. It usually appears when our immune defenses are lowered, or after the beginning of the cycle or following an intense exposure to sunlight.

The problem is that this type of virus dies hard, because it hides in the ganglionfromGasser, which is the trifurcation point of the trigeminal nerve and remains in a latent state until the immune defenses decline. So what to do?

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    How to fight herpes

    If it often happens to you, the ideal is to go to your doctor to get a prescription for a drug or an ad hoc cream, to use as soon as you feel the first symptoms. Whether you decide to go to the doctor or not, try to use a protective cream to soothe the pain and, importantly, don't scratch the blisters.
    To prevent the onset of cold sores, we recommend that you protect your lips from the sun's rays with a filter and pay close attention to the use of lip sticks, because they are fertile ground for the virus, which can persist for a long time. and therefore facilitate a new eruption after healing.

    Another thing: the toothpaste, unlike what some say, is absolutely not good, indeed its application can even bring other viruses. We also remind you to avoid contact with other people's skin until you are cured: it is well known that cold sores are highly contagious.

    Being an infection as annoying as it is common, there are many products on the market that can help speed up the healing process and, above all, soothe the discomfort. So, if you are one of the many people who find themselves with a cold sore, you just have to be patient, go to the pharmacy (or to the doctor) and .... at least until it passes: no kisses!

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