Jolie's transgender daughter will start hormone treatment to avoid becoming a woman

*** According to the latest updates, it seems that the news of Shiloh Pitt's start of hormonal treatment to slow down the biological process from child to woman has been denied: the French news agency AFP denies having been the source main of the news diffusion. Jolie's "commitment to" supporting her daughter's choices and indulging all kinds of inclinations remains however a commendable example for us to look at with admiration and respect, as well as an excellent food for thought on the delicate issues of gender. ***

Angelina Jolie is about to give us a great lesson in life and style again: to support her transgender daughter Shiloh in her decision to undergo hormone treatment that slows down the biological process of becoming a woman.

According to the French news agency AFP, the actress and her ex-husband have in fact consented to the beginning of the procedures that will allow their natural first child to never become a woman. Shiloh, now 11, has always expressed the desire to express a "masculine identity, showing off baby clothes and looks, as well as explicitly asking the family to be called John. The photo from 2014 during the premiere of Unbroken - the second film that saw Jolie in the role of director - which portrays her in a tuxedo, exactly like the two brothers, with very short hair and pulled back with gel.

And on that "occasion, the declaration of Jolie, who has always been a broad-minded woman, struck positively, and expressed the desire to indulge her daughter's natural inclinations, as a pure and simple expression of herself:"I will never force any of my children to be what they are not. Brad and I will always let her free and respect her choices ", these are the wise words spoken by the actress and director, still Mrs Pitt at the time, who began to shed light on the delicate issue of gender, once again proving an open minded mentality based on respect, acceptance and love. unconditional.