What exercises to do to combat the critical parts? A tailor-made workout for every body type!

Each physicist is different and each of us has more or less a "critical" part. But which targeted training to choose? We asked the Personal Trainer Guido Lombardo, which is following the participants in the "This Time I Can" slimming program. After an online casting, which saw the participation of over 200 women, 20 of these were selected for a personalized slimming program under the supervision of dedicated Nutritionists and Personal Trainers.

Here are three targeted workouts for three different silhouette types. Which is the most suitable for your body?

Inverted triangle? - Focus on the arms

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If your shape tends to be more pronounced in the upper body, you need to focus on the upper body by performing these simple but effective exercises. For the arms, use easy-to-find tools such as dumbbells, weights and barbells. At home, in the absence of these, you can use 1-liter or half-liter bottles of water to start. To train the brachial biceps it is necessary to flex the forearm and then return to the starting position.

To combat the so-called "curtain phenomenon" due to the relaxation of the triceps, we can use tools or free body: perform some stretches with the help of a chair. Just place your hands on the front edge of the seat, take a step forward by leveraging only your arms. You must have the sensation of pushing your elbows backwards and not outwards. Breathe in as you go down. It is good to perform this exercise for 3 sets of 10 or 12 repetitions, with a recovery time between one and the other of 1 minute.

Rectangle? - Focus on the abdomen

If you see that your waistline is poorly defined, you need to slim it by working on the abdomen. You can follow a workout to do at home or even outdoors. The front abdominals are the easiest to perform but also the most effective: lie down on the ground with your legs bent so that it forms an angle of about 45 °, lift your torso about 15-20 centimeters from the ground. The hands are behind the neck, be careful not to work too hard with the neck, try to raise the head and shoulders at the same time. Series of 8 are recommended to be repeated at least 5 times at the beginning, and then increase by 2/3 series per week.

Apple? - Focus on the legs

Looking in the mirror, do you see yourself with an "apple" shape? The best exercises are those that stimulate the lower body, mainly involving the legs and buttocks. All cardiovascular activities help remove excess inches and stimulate the affected muscles. During the summer, outdoor activities are to be preferred. The personal trainer recommends choosing the sport that best suits your personality. Jogging, swimming, cycling or taking long walks at a brisk pace are activities that help redesign the silhouette and can also be done by fitness newbies. To these activities you can add specific exercises for the legs and buttocks: a series of front lunges and squats.

Front lunges: from the standing position, legs hip width apart, step forward and flex the legs so that the knee of the back leg almost touches the ground, return to the starting position, during the exercise hold the abdominal muscles contract chest out and shoulders open. Repeat the exercise 10 times and then switch to the other leg. All this must be repeated for 3 series.

Squat: from the standing position, legs spread more than hip width apart, toes slightly divergent, drop below the knee line and return to the starting position, abdomen contracted and chest out. In the return phase, contract the buttocks, never bring the legs into full extension.

This article was written in collaboration with the Personal Trainer Guido Lombardo for the project This time I succeed

Tags:  Beauty Parenthood Lifestyle