Emma: "I don't want bodyguards"

Emma Marrone wants to look like a simple girl. During an "interview she declared:" I don't want bodyguards around, I'm not Obama or Madonna. "The young singer from Florence tries to be careful not to give herself a diva airs: in fact she stated that when she goes shopping at the supermarket is usually alone and dresses very soberly with jeans, t-shirt and sunglasses.

The popular artist will start a tour throughout the Italian peninsula next September to promote her latest album "Schiena" and in particular the song "Forget everything" whose video from the Eighties and Nineties settings made her triumph at the MTV Awards in "Wonder Woman" category Emma predicts that her concerts will be simple and essential but at the same time sunny and charismatic.

This intense period of artistic triumph is accompanied by a lucky love life: Emma is in fact involved in a love story with the fascinating interpreter of "Squadra Antimafia" Marco Bocci.

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Emma Marrone