Problems with sex? The task force arrives

These are the objectives of the task force announced by the ministry of health. They will be called Departments of Sexual Health of the Couple and will be real clinics in which gynecologists and urologists together will help men and women struggling with difficulties that can even ruin the couple's relationship.

The initiative, presented in the Senate by the Italian Society of Urology (Siu) and the Italian Hospital Obstetricians and Gynecologists Association (Aogoi), will also have the objective of correctly informing about sexually transmitted diseases, a problem often underestimated by young people and adults, which not only does it show no sign of decreasing, but it signals worrying peaks: of the 448 million new cases of STD that are recorded every year in the world, 111 million concern children under 25 years of age.

The announcement of targeted monitoring of the male population also goes in this direction. Analysis to be carried out at public facilities to reconstruct the overall picture of the state of health and to treat disorders that risk becoming chronic and also result in impotence.

See also

Erection problems: all the reasons for a male disorder that can also be

Extreme sex

Cunnilingus: what oral sex is and how it works for you

See also:

    • At sex school with the Sex Coach
    • After a year, goodbye passion
    • Casual sex: a blessing and a blessing
    • The sperm crisis

    Tags:  Fashion Lifestyle Marriage