How to cut your fringe yourself: the basic tips to avoid making mistakes!

In terms of hair, do-it-yourself can always be quite dangerous, especially when it comes to cuts, but for the daredevils who want to embark on this business, which is not so impossible, there are some small precautions to follow to get a better result. how decent even at home, without going to the hairdresser. In particular, to cut the fringe on its own and in a more or less impeccable way, in addition to a bit of skill and a good dose of courage, some precious garments will be needed which we will see in detail below.

And if you want to do a great job, you can also take advantage of the influences of the moon that we know are able to influence many aspects of nature and the human body, including tides, crops, hair or menstruation. To cut hair, you should choose the moments of the growing phase or during the full moon because the earth and with it also the body are charged with energy, therefore our hair and scalp will also be stronger and healthier, as we explain the video below.

So here is a small guide to cut the fringe yourself without doing damage, taking into consideration all the situations and needs of the case: from those who simply want to check it or adjust it to those who want to shorten it a lot or make it from scratch, up to the most types of bangs. disparate according to the type of hair and face you show off.

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Use the right scissors

Let's start with the useful tools to do a masterful job.

Always use a pair of professional scissors, those normally used by the hairdresser, because they are more pointed than the classic ones and allow you to obtain a better result; absolutely avoid the rounded ones, which are generally used at home because they can ruin the hair fiber and facilitate the appearance of split ends.

In addition to these, we will need a fine-toothed comb, which is essential when cutting to allow us to be more precise.

Cut it dry

The operation should be done with dry hair, this is because wet hair has a tendency to be longer, so it could be misleading: there is a risk that at the end of the cut, you will find yourself with too short bangs and an irreparable desire to go back in time.

In addition, when dry, you will be able to see well roses and dizziness that normally form at your hairline.

Adjust the bangs

If your need is to simply adjust the bangs, this is undoubtedly the best technique:

1. Hold the hair between the index and middle fingers and use your fingers as a guide to proceed with the cut or instead of your fingers, use the comb, then the latter will act as a ruler and pencil scissors.

2. At this point you can proceed with your sharp and not rounded scissors taking the bridge of the nose as a reference: be careful, however, do not cut the fringe all at once, but divide it into several strands.

-It would be better to keep it at least one cm longer than your ideal size, so that you can correct any mistakes or avoid making them and end up with excessively short bangs.
-It is advisable to keep the cut already set by your hairdresser, without thickening it, adding new strands or distorting the styling: this would lead to greater difficulties.

Cut a very long fringe yourself or make the fringe from scratch

If you have it very long or want to make a fringe from scratch, this is the method:

1. First, you have to identify the section to act on well, creating a triangle. Start by making a central line, positioning the comb at the line of the nose, now choose a point on the central line just made - which will be the vertex of this triangle - and move sideways on both sides, taking the end of the eyebrows as a reference.
How to select the right point on the center line according to the type of hair:
those with thin hair will have to move further back, thus making a larger triangle;
whoever has them thicker, will keep more at the beginning, taking a smaller section.

2. At this point, twist your hair and make a cut horizontally.

3. Then cut again, but keeping the scissors vertical and focusing more on the central part of your section. In this way the effect will be more scaled and less on par.

Slightly scaled or rounded fringe on the sides

If you want to do it not too straight, but slightly sloped, here is the best procedure:

1. Always start from the definition of the triangle, as we saw in the previous paragraph.

2. Then pull the fringe with the help of the comb or your fingers and start cutting: be careful, unlike the classic even cut, in this case you have to place the scissors perpendicularly and not horizontally, making small ticks here and there and you will get a paraded result.

3. If it is too long, repeat the operation, focusing on the length.

If you want to make it rounded, that is, that it follows the face, you have to do what we have just described only on a central lock at first, thus separating it from the two side ones; subsequently, you will have to do the same on the two sides, always holding the scissors vertically and moving obliquely, following the shape of the face. In this case, the latter will be longer and your bangs will follow the shape of the face.

Do the curtain bangs

1. Always start from our triangle and pull the hair with a comb or fingers.

2.Identify the length of the fringe, placing your fingers diagonally (imagining the fringe you want to create, in essence).

3. Leave the side strands aside and concentrate on the small central section: cut it lightly and gently.

4. Now add the side locks (the remainder of the section of the previously created triangle) and cut the new additions diagonally always delicately.

5. Divide the fringe completely in half and fray slightly, always diagonally.

6. Give a final touch with vertical scissors to lighten a little more and finish completely.

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Side bangs

In this case, you need to identify the point where you want to start the fringe, which generally coincides with the line of the eyebrow, the one on the right or the one on the left, depending on where you want your fringe to fall.

1. Take and comb the precise section of the tuft that you have obtained and pull back all the other hair to work better.

2. Now line up with the center of the eyebrow and precisely select the punch from which you want to start to make the cut.

3. Now turn the section on itself and start cutting in an oblique direction. Take care to make small consecutive cuts and never a single clean cut.

4. Once done, finally arrange the cut with a slight final unthreading, positioning the scissors vertically.

How to do curly bangs yourself

If you have curly hair, you should only proceed after washing and drying your hair so that the curls take their natural shape. Basically, in these cases, to cut the fringe you have to obtain a large triangle, more voluminous than that of the smooth hair, and act on three levels:

1. Locate the first section to be cut, holding the rest of the triangle made with a clothespin. And start cutting the section starting at the height of the nose.

2. Then drop a second lock from the clip and repeat the procedure.

3. Add a last strand and repeat the same procedure to have a more voluminous fringe.