What are the toes called: the official nomenclature and the fun informal names

Well-groomed toes with the right polish are undoubtedly a real weapon of female seduction. You often spend hours engaged in pedicure at the beautician, in regenerating foot baths or choosing the right nail polish but maybe you don't even know what your fingers are called! By continuing to read you will discover their official and less official names. But now watch the video and discover the nail polish to decorate them in a trendy way!

What are the toes called: digiti pedis

The toes are made up of skin, bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels. In the feet there are 52 pieces of bones and ossicles. On the back they have the nails at the extremities, which protect them from trauma; under the fingers in the plantar area there are the fingertips with the fingerprints, the dermatoglyphs. The back and thus the plantar part are similar to those of the hands. The fingers help the foot in various functions: they give him stability in an upright position, they discharge most of his weight on the ground; they allow him to walk, run, jump. In fact, in the case of a phalangeal fracture the pain makes it almost impossible even to walk with a limp. Various pathologies can hit the toes, such as broken bones, sprains, nail diseases, mycosis, corns, calluses, tilomas, partridge eyes, arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, hallux valgus. As well as the thumb, the big toe has two phalanges, all the others have three.

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What are the toes called: numerical nomenclature and popular names

In the anatomy texts, only the officially recognized names of the toes are mentioned, according to the 1998 International Convention. All the names of the toes are assigned the ordinals of the Roman numerals according to a numerical nomenclature. Going from the inside of the foot to the outside, we have the 1st toe, digitus primus, the 2nd toe, digitus secundus, the 3rd toe, digitus tertius, the 4th toe, digitus quartus and the 5th toe, digitus quintus.
The Latin name shown together with the number is the literal wording of the numerical version. After all, the Anatomical Terminology, where all the terms of human anatomy are gathered, is written in Latin. The official names of the toes also include two alternative names for the first and fifth foot, respectively called hallux and minimus pedis, i.e. big toe and least toe in Italian. Other popular names of the spoken language are to be considered improper, such as ditone, pollicione to define the thumb, the first finger; illice, melluce, dilluce for the second finger; trillice and trilluce for the third finger; I ponder or pondo for the fourth finger; minolo or minulo for the fifth finger, the little finger. Regarding these unofficial names, Crusca believes that even though they have been used in recent literature, they are not registered in an officially recognized lexicography. In fact, these unofficial names, precisely because they do not have a logic, nor a uniformity that connects them as the official ones, should not be considered as alternatives. stated that even if these somewhat strange and peculiar names appear in 2003 in acupuncture, foot reflexology, osteopathy and various alternative health remedies, official medical terms cannot be recognized and their origin is completely unknown.

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What are the fingers of the hand called: thumb, index, middle, ring finger, little finger

On the contrary, the fingers of the hands follow a logic also from the semantic point of view. The name Pollice derives from the Latin pollex-pollicis, perhaps derived from the verb polleo, which means to be powerful, strong, have vigor and authority. In fact, the thumb is not only the first finger of the hand, but it is also the largest and the only opposable finger, which allows prehensile dexterity (characteristic in the Paleolithic in the prehistoric era of Homo habilis, that is the ability to grasp objects with the hand, about 2.4 million years ago). The term Index derives from the Latin indica, that is to indicate and in fact with this finger we indicate, we show something. The Middle is so called for its central position, in medium, which is in the center; the "Annulare from annulus, ring, because it is the one in which the wedding ring is inserted; the little finger always from the Latin minimus, that is small. With an improper use, Thumb is also used to indicate the first toe of the foot. lateral to the first and is medial relative to the third. In Anglo-Saxon speaking countries, unofficial names are used for the toes: The first finger is the big toe; the second finger is the long toe or index of the foot (index toe); the third toe is the middle toe, the fourth toe is the ring toe; the V finger is the little toe (little toe, baby toe or small toe).A fun game for children is learning to count the months of the year, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December on the knuckles of the fingers and on the grooves between the knuckles. If the month goes on the knuckle, it is 31 days, if it goes into the hollow it is 30 or 28 (like the month of February) or 29 in leap months.

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Two types of foot: the Greek foot, the Egyptian foot

The Greek foot is the one in which the second toe is longer than the big toe. It is considered beautiful aesthetically and called "model foot", it is usually slender and tapered: the last toes are shorter than the first three. Orthopedists who have Greek feet can wear any type of footwear without problems and discomfort. For podomancy those with tapered fingers are ambitious and often also show arrogance, an aspect of the personality to be kept in check. For many it is a characteristic sign of beauty: from Botticelli's Venus to Marilyn Monroe all particularly beautiful women have this particularity in the shape of the toes. And even Michelangelo's David seems to confirm it. The Egyptian foot is the most common foot in Italy. The longest toe is l "Big toe. Its form to climb starting precisely from the big toe decreases to the fifth toe, the shortest. Usually the Egyptian foot is also longer and narrower.
Who has the Egyptian foot, with the big toe longer than the other toes, which then gradually descend in length with a 45 ° angle, always according to podomancy, has particular characteristics, such as practical sense, rationality, love for the natural world, he loves aesthetics, he is a solitary and very reserved person. This foot is defined as the foot of royalty. Whoever has the Egyptian foot, however, must avoid pointy shoes, which lead the big toe to bend towards the others. fingers.

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Other types of foot: the Roman foot, the Celtic foot, the Germanic foot

The Roman foot is also called square foot, because the first three toes have more or less the same length and the penultimate and last toes (the little finger of the foot) are slightly shorter. Podomancy enthusiasts believe that those with Roman feet are taciturn, introverted, predisposed to amorous disappointments, because they are inclined to desire impossible loves. Those with Roman feet must not wear shoes that are too tight, which create problems by forcing them into unnatural positions and not even those with too high heels, which push the front part of the foot forcibly towards the toe. The Celtic Foot has the second toe, much longer than the Big Toe and slender. For podomancy all those who have a Celtic foot are inclined to sport, have a spontaneous, often impulsive character, but are very devoted and faithful to the loved one. Who has the Germanic foot the 4 toes following the big toe almost the same length and much shorter than the first toe. There is a clear difference between the length of the big toe and that of the other toes, which are, more or less the same length , much smaller than the first finger. Like those who have the Egyptian Foot, they are individuals with a great practical sense, they are concrete, lucid, calculate the pros and cons before making choices and making important decisions. They do not know how to improvise, they are not favorable and predisposed to changes of any kind, they prefer not to dream, but to remain well attached to the earth and reality.

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