How to read the hand and find out what fate has in store

The reading of the hand has ancient origins, it is an "art practiced many years ago in Indian astrology" that has taken more and more foot becoming famous all over the world. It is impossible to resist the curiosity of having your hand read, even if not everyone believes in what fate has in store for them, it is always worth a try. Let's talk about it together, but first here's a video for you with 3 adjectives for each zodiac sign.

The choice of the hand to read

In women and in men, the situation is different: women have their right hand which represents the status in which they came into the world, while the left hand tells us about all the life experiences accumulated over the years and that they have acted for. change the cultural baggage one was born with. In man it is quite the opposite: the left hand will be the "speaking" one at the moment of birth, while the right will represent all the experiences made in the course of life.
You can begin to observe the lines of the dominant hand, capable of representing the present and the past, but not the future, and then move on to the non-dominant hand. Some schools of thought argue that it is the left hand that shows the future, but with a probability rather than an absolute certainty.
If the person whose hands you are looking at shows a difference between the two palms, this could mean that he has taken or is taking actions to change the potential of his life.
On the palm of the hand you can identify at least 3 main lines, to which a fourth is added that not all people have. These lines are:

  • heart line
  • head line
  • life line
  • luck line (may not be present)

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How to interpret the heart line

The heart line can be read from the little finger to the index finger or vice versa. Emotional stability, romantic perspectives, heart health and depression are attributed to this line. But how is it interpreted? Let's see together.

  • Start under the index finger - you are happy in love life.
  • Start under the middle finger: you are selfish in love.
  • Start in the center - you fall in love easily.
  • Straight and short: You have little interest in romance.
  • Touch the line of life - your heart can be broken easily.
  • Long and curved: you are able to freely express emotions and feelings.
  • Straight and parallel to the line of the head: you are able to handle emotions well.
  • Wavy: You tend to have many relationships and many partners, but no serious bonding.
  • Circle on the Line: Sadness or depression often pops up in your life.
  • Broken Line: You have had an emotional trauma.
  • Small lines that cross that of the heart: even in this case you are an easy subject to emotional trauma.

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The meaning of the head line

The line of the head instead speaks to us of that person's communication strategy, his way of learning, intellectualism and thirst for knowledge. If the line is curved it is associated with creativity and spontaneity, while if it were straight, the person will have a structured and practical approach to things Here's how to interpret the head line.

  • Short Line: You prefer to conquer physically rather than mentally.
  • Curved and leaning line - you are creative.
  • Separated from the Life Line: You show enthusiasm for life and adventures.
  • Wavy line: you have poor attention span.
  • Long, Deep Line: Your thoughts are always clear and focused.
  • Straight line: reasons in a realistic way.
  • Circles or crosses in the line of the mind: you often have emotional crises.
  • Broken Head Line: You have contradictory thoughts.
  • Several crosses along the line of the head: you often find yourself having to make very important decisions.

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How to read the hand: the line of life

The life line usually begins above the thumb and extends in an arc towards the wrist. It shows us physical health, general well-being and major changes in life (physical damage, relocation, catastrophe events). Its length is not associated with the length of the waist, so how do you interpret it?

  • Runs close to the thumb: you suffer from frequent fatigue.
  • Curved: you have a high energy level.
  • Long, deep: you are full of vitality.
  • Short and just hinted: let others manipulate your life.
  • Curve up to form a semicircle - you are full of strength and enthusiasm.
  • Straight and close to the end of the palm: always proceed with caution in relationships.
  • Multiple life lines: great vitality.
  • You search along the line of life: there have been hospitals and injuries in your life.
  • Interruptions: You have often experienced sudden changes in your life.

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Why doesn't everyone have the luck line?

The luck line is not present on all palms. It is also known as the line of destiny and indicates how much we let ourselves be conditioned by external situations. It usually starts at the base of the palm and these are the most common interpretations.

  • Deep Line: You strongly believe in destiny that controls your life.
  • Interruptions and changes of direction: You are prone to many changes due to external forces.
  • Start in conjunction with that of the life line: you are a self-made person, you developed aspirations already at a young age.
  • Meet the Life Line in the Center: You had a time in your life when your interests had to give up in front of those of others.
  • Start at the base of the thumb and cross the life line - you can count on the support of friends and family.

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How to read the hand: the meaning of the shape of the fingers

To read the hand, it is also necessary to investigate the size and shape of the fingers as well as the nails. Obviously it must be borne in mind that the size of the hands is strictly proportional to the height of the body. A person 2 meters tall will have much larger hands than a subject who is shorter. Some argue that small hands belong to dynamic subjects, who do not they pause to think about what they are doing Big hands, on the other hand, would belong to slow-moving people characterized by a contemplative character.

Long fingers can mean: anxiety, good manners, good looks, good dose of grace and delicacy. Short fingers belong to impatient people, with strong sexual and creative instincts.
If, on the other hand, we consider the nails, those who will have them long and neat will mean that they are a kind person and able to keep a secret. If the nails appear stubby, we will be faced with a critical and sarcastic person. Finally, almond-shaped nails suggest a sweet and diplomatic character.

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What shape is your hand?

The shape of the hand indicates precise character traits. Measure the palm from the wrist to the base of the fingers. 4 interpretations related to the primary elements can be deduced:

The palm of the hand is square with long fingers, protruding knuckles, low thumbs and dry skin; length of the palms shorter than that of the fingers. The characteristic features:

  • Sociable, talkative and sharp;
  • Superficial, spiteful and cold;
  • At ease with all that is mental and intangible;
  • It acts in different and extremist ways.

The length of the palm is equal to that of the fingers, the hands are long, with pval palms and flexible and conical fingers. The distinctive features:

  • Creative, intuitive and understanding;
  • It can be moody, emotional and inhibited;
  • Introvert;
  • It acts calmly and intuitively.

The length of the palm is the same as that of the fingers. In general, the hands are large and square in shape with rough, reddish skin. The distinctive features:

  • Solid values ​​and energy, sometimes stubborn;
  • Practical and responsible, sometimes materialistic;
  • Work with your hands, comfortable with material activities.

The palm is square and larger than the length of the fingers, the skin is pink or reddish. The distinctive features:

  • Spontaneous, enthusiastic and optimistic;
  • Sometimes selfish, impulsive and insensitive;
  • Outgoing;
  • He acts boldly and instinctively.

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The meaning of the mountains of the hand

Inside the palm of the hand, at the base of the fingers, there are the mountains which are the fleshy parts of the hand, opposite the knuckles. To make them visible, just close your hand as if to form a cup and observe the most visible mountain.

  • At the base of the thumb c "is the mount of Venus which indicates a predisposition to hedonism, promiscuity and a need for instant gratification. A non-existent mount of Venus indicates little interest in family matters.
  • Under the index finger c "is the mount of Jupiter. If it is clearly visible, it means that you are a dominant person, potentially self-centered and aggressive. A lack of this mount indicates a lack of confidence.
  • Below the middle finger is the mount of Saturn. A high mountain shows that you are stubborn, cynical and prone to depression. A low mountain is an indicator of superficiality and disorganization.
  • The Mount of Apollo is located under the ring finger. If you have a tall Mount of Apollo it means that you are a person who gets angry easily, extravagant and proud. If it is not very visible there may be a lack of imagination.
  • Under the little finger is the mount of Mercury. If it is bulging, you talk too much, while if it is noticeable you are a shy person.

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Useful tips for reading the hand

In conclusion, we want to give you some suggestions to ensure that hand reading remains just a moment of entertainment without frightening the person about the future. It is always better to be cautious and not to exaggerate, furthermore for the listener it is important to remember that only we are the architects of our destiny, whatever the prediction. Here are some notes that you may need.

  • Make sure there is enough light so you can see the lines on the palms clearly.
  • As you look at the lines, don't make too quick judgments.
  • Just consider the 4 main lines, all the others would make you confused.
  • Since the lines of the hand change with the passage of time, many see in the reading of the palms the opportunity to see what has passed, without being able to foresee the future.
  • Note the texture of the hand, on both sides. Soft hands indicate sensitivity and refinement, while rough hands indicate a rude temperament.

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Palmistry books and tarot cards: where to buy them?

If you are passionate about this topic, we want to suggest books to deepen it, along with cards to try your hand at the game of tarot.

  • The complete book of palmistry on Amazon for € 17.10
  • How to read the hand on Amazon at 11.40 €
  • The Tarot - 78 cards suitable for experts and beginners on Amazon for 22 €

Tags:  Horoscope Beauty Marriage