How to grow your nails: 14 useful tips to put into practice right away

Do you want to know how to grow nails quickly? Then this is the article for you. Nails are the mirror of our health, so taking care of them is really very important, but we often have to deal with weak nails that break or flake constantly. How to avoid this? of the first rules is to always do a good manicure: watch our tutorial in the video below.

How to make your nails grow fast?

To maximize the growth of the nails you need to make them stronger, protect them and take care of them daily, only in this way can they be healthy and become longer. Here's what to do and what not to do.

1 - File your nails always in the same direction, avoid cutting them because in this way you will weaken them even more. For this operation, in addition to a certain amount of delicacy, it will be necessary to choose a warm place, because with the cold the nails will be harder and more rigid and more prone to flaking.
Start from the outer sides and move gradually to the central part, until you get the same shape and length for all of them.

2 - Avoid continually exposing your hands to water or other aggressive substances such as detergents. For house cleaning always wear gloves, and also and especially to wash the dishes. In this way you will avoid weakening them, increasing the likelihood that nails flake off as they grow, as a direct consequence you would need to cut them more frequently and it will be impossible to get them stretched.

3 - Worry about the hydration of the hands especially in the winter months in addition to applying specific products, remember to protect the skin and nails from the cold by wearing gloves. This is a simple precaution, but it can really make a difference if you are looking for to grow nails.

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4 - Apply a hardening nail polish especially if the nails are in the growth phase, such a product could help them strengthen and protect them avoiding breakage. The function of these products is precisely to prevent them from being damaged or broken, forcing you to cut them even before they have reached the desired length. Hardening nail polish is only a temporary solution, and it will be important to develop a long-term plan that helps them become healthier and stronger naturally.

5 - Pay attention to nutrition. It may seem like a trivial advice, but nutrition is also the basis of the well-being of the nails. To make them stronger, it's best to eat a wide variety of healthful foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products.

6 - Consider taking a biotin supplement with your doctor. Biotin is a vitamin that can help you have stronger nails that don't break easily, and also helps them grow bigger and faster.

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How to grow nails: 10 quick and natural ideas

1 - Olive oil
Using olive oil on the nails is a natural and super effective remedy, as it has numerous properties, able to improve the structure, aesthetics and growth of the nails. After leaving your hands to soak in a basin of hot water, pour a couple of tablespoons of olive oil in a cup where, then, you will dip your fingers. Do not rinse your hands immediately after application, wait a few minutes and massage in such a way as to make the nails stronger and, at the same time, thoroughly moisturize your hands.

2 - Pack with olive oil and lemon

  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice

Even lemon, together with olive oil, is an excellent ally to make nails grow faster. Lemon, specifically, exfoliates the nail, while the oil nourishes and improves the appearance of the nail. , thanks to the presence of Vitamin E. Make a pack based on oil and lemon to speed up the growth of the nails: it will only take five minutes and a little persistence to see the beneficial effects of this natural remedy.

3 - Argan oil
Argan oil has ancient origins and has some formidable properties to make nails grow faster. A few drops of its pure version are enough to hydrate and promote the nail growth process, opting for a relaxing massage or a regenerating pack .
For the massage, a single drop of pure Argan oil for each nail will suffice. After rubbing carefully, leave it on for ten minutes and repeat the application every other day.
For the pack, on the other hand, after having spread a drop of Argan oil on each nail, isolate your fingers with cling film and leave it on for thirty minutes. At this point, remove the film and massage the nails with the oil in excess.

© Istock how to grow nails: compresses

4 - Soaking in hot salt water
A natural remedy to grow nails that is very simple to do at home is to immerse your nails in a bath of warm salt water for about ten minutes every day. Sea salt, in fact, allows both to make the nails grow faster and to make them more shiny. How to do? Pour some hot water into a bowl, add two tablespoons of salt and two drops of essential oil (optional!). The first results won't be long in coming.

5 - Aloe Vera-based mask
Aloe vera is the ideal ingredient for preparing a nail mask. Thanks to aloe vera, nails will not only grow more easily, but will also be brighter and healthier.

  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
  • 2 teaspoons of olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons of castor oil
  • 10 drops of lemon

Blend all the ingredients and apply the mixture obtained on the nails. Wrap each finger for about ten minutes with make-up remover pads and let it rest. Finally, rinse your nails under warm water.

6 - Cucumber smoothie
Making a cucumber smoothie can be the perfect remedy to facilitate the nail growth process; the reason lies in the fact that cucumber has a number of properties useful for the whole body: potassium, silicon, vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, and chlorophyll, and other nutrients, useful for the skin, hair and, of course, nails! Just blend it with all the peel to obtain a mixture in which to dip your fingers for about twenty minutes.

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7 - Onion or Garlic
Although many will turn up their noses, garlic and onion can play their part when it comes to growing nails. Peel an onion and dip your hands in its juice, soaking them for as long as possible, the nails will appear. stronger and healthier from the first treatments.You can also make night compresses with onion juice, isolating your fingers with plastic wrap.
Garlic, on the other hand, is rich in Vitamin B7 which is useful for the well-being of the entire nail bed. Chop the garlic and apply the mixture obtained on the nails for about ten minutes a week.

8 - Lots of water, low sugar and moderate consumption of proteins
Drinking lots of water, consuming lots of fruit and vegetables is good not only for the body, but also for our beloved nails! The consumption of proteins also helps to speed up the growth of the nails, but be careful not to overdo it and to vary the nails as much as possible. protein sources.

How long does it take for nails to grow?

This is probably the most popular question if you are trying hard to grow your nails. Before answering in detail it is good to make a premise: the growth of the nail depends on age and also on some factors such as trauma, infections or nutritional deficiencies. Also, if you have a bad habit of biting your nails, you will surely find it very difficult to grow them and you should think about stopping eating them. Our article "how to stop biting your nails" can help you.
In general, for fingernails, the growth varies between 1.8 and 4.5 millimeters per month, so about 0.1 millimeters per day and 0.7 mm per week. Toenails, on the other hand, grow more slowly: to lengthen they take about a third of the time of that of the hands.

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