The orange color: meaning and properties of the most vitaminic tint

The orange color is obtained by combining red and yellow and is combined with the second Chakra. It is the same color as the fruit of the orange from which it took its name; however its meaning has not always been this. Let's see in which sectors it is used based on its properties and what characterizes the people who love it. Interested? Find out all about the world of dyes by taking a look at the video below: talk about armocromia!

The meaning of the color orange

Orange is undoubtedly a bright color and it is no coincidence that it is associated with vitality, energy, fertility and even the sun itself. It is a warm shade and is the middle way between bright red and yellow, as well as resulting from their union (orange is not a primary color and needs two other shades to be created).

When you bring orange-colored objects with you, you unconsciously express your desire to reconnect with the earth, but the artistic and creative spheres are also activated.
Through the orange it is possible to harmonize with our pleasure instincts linked to food, sex or conscience and it is not unusual to see it used to "awaken" someone mentally, leading them to view existence with more desire to do and optimism. .

In short, orange is ideal as a color to wear in summer, but it is also a good choice for those who need to stop for a moment to reflect: it stimulates the release of stress and relaxes the nerves, because it is an inclusive shade that connects our body. to our soul.
It is no coincidence that the orange peel from which it takes its name is renowned for its anti-stress properties.

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Because orange is the most creative color

Orange contains a dual nature: it is the color of wisdom, of inner harmony (see the Dalai Lama wearing orange to symbolize the renunciation of a life of pleasure) and of understanding, but it is also the color of fantasy.

In the scale of the Chakras it is associated with the second of the seven colors present, which is precisely the one linked to expansion, ambition and creativity in general. It governs the sexual instinct for reproduction but also physical health. In yoga and in oriental cultures, the color orange therefore assumes the value of a symbol of mental and physical pleasure, towards sex or food, but it can be easily associated with eternal love (Japan) and happiness (India). Physically it would be placed in the posterior part of the abdomen and is therefore linked to change and procreation.

Orange is able to strengthen our will and our ability to control instincts, leaving them free when needed. Take for example the extraordinary strength of the sun, represented in many paintings with shades similar to orange: it is a source of nourishment and without it there would be no life! It can be said that orange is a festive shade, and that it tends to recall vitality and joy.

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The properties of the orange color according to chromotherapy

Just like the other colors, orange is also used in chromotherapy for the treatment of depression and other mental illnesses. From the physical point of view it is able to stimulate the voluntary muscles, the metabolism and therefore the appetite: it is ideal as a dye for doing sport because it symbolizes movement and immediately infuses us with a positive charge, perfect for giving your best during a workout.

Among its most renowned properties we find the ability to release stress and relax the nerves. The orange color can slow blood pressure, giving immediate relief.
Specifically, during chromotherapy sessions, the orange is used on those subjects who have intestinal and rheumatic blockages; not only that, it seems to be useful in case of difficulty in conceiving always due to some "blocks", in this case of psychological and non-physical nature.

From a psychological well-being point of view it is recommended for its calming and liberating properties to all those people who have to face important feelings of guilt, to find a way to process emotional or physical trauma and violence.The subjects most treated with orange in alternative medicine are those who define themselves as rigid, perhaps submissive and who need to rediscover love for themselves and for life.

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Personality according to the orange color

The orange takes its name from the fruit of the same name, the orange, and therefore, before its discovery, other colors were used to define some objects, such as red which has now remained in the common vocabulary to describe goldfish, cats. red or red hair, when in hindsight they are more orange.
Nonetheless, people have always been attracted to it, even before having a real name to define it.

Those who love the orange color are certainly a cheerful personality, but at the same time they have reached an optimal level of inner harmony or that tends towards it. He enjoys the physical pleasures that the earth offers, but he does not abuse them because he understands the importance of having balance in everyday life.
They are usually wise and understanding people, who tend to help others.
It is nice to be close to figures who love orange because they are optimistic and help others see life with greater positivity; they also convey the great self-confidence they feel, without presumption. Sometimes those who prefer orange are even able of out-of-the-ordinary actions, always keeping your feet on the ground and making wise choices.

And who doesn't love orange? Usually those who reject this color are very rational, they tend to close and stiffen, because they are afraid of losing control or letting go of emotions. Constantly check their emotions for fear of being hurt, but this leads him to distance himself from those around him Who shuns the orange color is often he who does not weigh decisions and acts on impulse.

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Read our other color columns: the pink color, the green color, the purple color and the petrol green color!

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