Does the cervical haunt you? Here are ten things to absolutely avoid in order not to suffer from it anymore

Admit it, how many of you, despite your not very advanced age, have found yourself suffering from cervical pain, starting to accuse the passing of the years? a nuisance that affects many people regardless of age, indeed, more and more young people accuse neck fatigue and tension, complicit habits and incorrect behavior now increasingly popular in the hectic everyday life.

It is for this reason that it becomes essential to know the most common mistakes to avoid and correct in order to try not to suffer from cervical pain anymore. Wrong postures, incorrect habits, sedentary lifestyle and blows: these are just some of the main enemies of the cervical area. In case of pain in the cervical area, as you know, there is a useful remedy to relieve the pain: it is thermotherapy and consists in the use of heat for therapeutic purposes to cure joint or muscle disorders, without the use of medicines. To learn more about thermotherapy, click here.

But let's see specifically, all the main wrong behaviors that cause protracted and unnatural muscle contractions, causing the dreaded cervical.

Before discovering the behaviors that cause muscle contractions, if you also suffer from neck pain, try doing these easy exercises every day to try to relieve the discomfort.

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1. Read in bed

Reading is good, very good! But not in bed ... yes, because very often when reading between the sheets, wrong positions are taken that cause tension in the neck and nape area, causing cervical pain. Better therefore a nice armchair or the very comfortable sofa that best fit in with the ideal posture for the reading moment.

Even with the sofa, however, be careful! The ideal would be to rest on the backrest (better rigid and not too soft) in order to have a 90 ° posture, optimal for the health of the neck and back. in positions that are anything but plastic, it is good that you know two rules if you do not want to end up with a sore neck: first of all, it is okay to lie down (for a not too long time), but make sure that the surface on which you supported allows to maintain the natural curvature of the spine; another fundamental thing, do not rest your head on rigid armrests or unlikely cushions, the ideal would be cushions that allow you not to experience neck discomfort.

2. Wrong movements involving the neck and cervical area

There are many, many, the small and imperceptible incorrect movements that can cost us days of fatigue in the neck muscle area ... an example: you are doing housework that occupies both hands, ring the phone, answer and continue to do what you were doing before, wedging the device between your neck and shoulders. Result: you tilt your head in an unnatural way, forcing the muscles of the neck and shoulders to do a very tiring job, which causes tension and soreness. Better to interrupt your business while on the phone or tell your friend to call back later.

3. Always wear shoes with heels 12

Ok, we know, you love heels, some of you do not conceive other types of footwear, but you must know that high heels are not really suitable for the health of the back and neck area. Standing on stilts - we are talking about rather high heels, therefore - alters the natural curvatures of the spine, forcing the back and neck muscles to exert excessive efforts to maintain an unnatural postural balance. The ideal would be a heel of 3/4 cm. In short, unlined 12 heels in moderation and sometimes re-evaluate sneakers and other shoes. But remember that even a total absence of heels is harmful to your back!

4. Blows of air

Let's not talk about blows, the number one enemy of neck health. So be careful to protect the cervical area from drafts and jets of air, and also watch out for sudden changes in temperature. If you are particularly prone to neck discomfort, always take care of scarves and shawls that can protect you in case of need.

5. Sleep with wet hair

Try to avoid going to sleep without drying your hair, even if it is summer and it is 38 degrees. Better the noisy hair dryer or, if you want to let them dry naturally, make sure you fall into Morfeo's arms once the hair is completely dry.

6. Sitting at a desk incorrectly

It goes without saying how much the desk posture is crucial for the health of our neck. An incorrect position inevitably creates discomfort and discomfort in the lumbar and cervical area. Absolutely avoid projecting your neck forward, align the upper edge of the PC screen to your eyes, try not to cross your legs and keep your back as straight as possible. Also try to take breaks, getting up every now and then from your station so as not to stay too long in the same position. The ideal would be to stretch every half hour.

7. Sleeping with unsuitable pillows or mattresses

Do not underestimate the issue of pillows and mattresses: they are of fundamental importance for our neck and back. Try not to choose pillows that are too high, which do not follow the natural curve of the neck, nor those that are excessively soft. cervical level, it is better to rely on pillows specifically designed to ensure correct posture of the neck and shoulder muscles, such as the cylindrical latex ones. And don't save on the mattress. Your health will thank you.

8. Excess of anxiety and emotional stress

It is no secret that stress is the enemy of health, in particular anxiety, psychological and emotional pressures can weigh heavily on the cervical area as they contribute to accumulating muscle tension in the neck, shoulders and muscles that support and move the skull.

9. Sleeping on the sofa

It's nice to fall asleep on the very comfortable sofa, perhaps with a blanket that warms us while we enjoy our favorite show after a field day, but always remember that sleeping on the sofa, and anywhere else that does not have a comfortable mattress, it is very wrong. Very rigid armrests, pillows that are too soft and of all sizes, are not ideal for the health of the neck. As we told you earlier, resting on the sofa at home is sacrosanct (according to the indications we have reported above), but sleeping in it. for the whole night it is definitely not recommended!

10. Bruxism

Even bruxism (which consists in grinding of the teeth, due to the contraction of the chewing muscles, especially during sleep) and more generally temporomandibular disorders, can be among the causes of cervical disorders due to the excessive muscle tension that occurs. occurs on that area and leads to headaches, facial muscles fatigue, neck and shoulder stiffness.

For more information on the cervical, you can consult the website of the Humanitas hospital.

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