Abandoned dog: how to make yourself useful if you meet one on the street

A dog that is abandoned is something so ugly, inhuman and without any justification, about which there is nothing to add. Or maybe yes, because what not everyone knows is that a lot can be done to secure a dog. abandoned dog (and maybe make the owner pay a nice fine) Anyone who loves dogs knows how much these animals need love. Watch this video!

You have seen a dog that seems abandoned: what to do?

Almost 50,000 dogs are abandoned every year in Italy. Yes, you read that right, 50,000 dogs. And this despite the fact that the laws rightly foresee very severe penalties for those who dare to abandon a dog that, on the contrary, they should take care of. In fact, the law provides for severe fines and even the arrest for a dog that is found wandering in the street without a report of loss.Despite these penalties, however, the cases of abandonment are still very numerous and you could easily come across a dog walking alone on the street. Here, with this article we really want to show you how to do something for a dog that could have been. abandoned or in any case that may be in distress and in need of care. If you meet a dog that wanders alone, it is most likely lost, and after being lost, it cannot find its way home. Or it was abandoned. You can realize that the dog is in a situation of bewilderment if he seeks comfort in passers-by, smells what is around him and moves with a frightened air. It is not easy to understand if the dog seeks help because the animal could be very frightened and therefore appear elusive. The first piece of advice we would like to give you if you want to do something for him is not to run. Do not run around him, do not chase him and do not try to take it at any cost.

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You would probably get the opposite effect: the dog would get even more frightened and start running away. Try to get his attention, talk to the dog softly in a friendly, calm voice. Hold out your hand, always palm up. not to scare him. He may choose to sniff your hand and then move closer. When in the presence of a frightened animal, never make sudden movements, quick jerks and screams. You could scare him a lot more and run away. When you manage to get close to the dog, and especially when he begins to trust him to the point of letting him get close, to stop him, try to make an emergency leash. A lanyard or rope will do, anything that allows you to hold it close without letting it slip away. This will prevent him from wandering between cars and endangering his life.

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Ok you have the abandoned dog on a leash. And now?

Now that you have approached the dog, you can see if he is wearing a collar and if so if he has an identification tag. Of course, if the name and telephone number of the owner is written on the plate, you can call him directly and make sure that the lost dog returns home to his owners. or the toll-free number of the Carbinieri for the protection of the environment, ie 800 253 608. In many cities there are also animal assistance services, often voluntary, if you have contacts you can also contact them for help. a "highway you happen to see a wandering dog, do not stop because you would endanger your life and that of other drivers. Immediately contact the number of the Traffic Police and report the stretch where you noticed the four-legged friend. In the city, however, while waiting for the police or the owners (if you have managed to find them) to arrive, observe the condition of the dog but do not try to cure him. It would be better not to give him food or water. If the dog is sick, take him to a veterinarian immediately and communicate your choice to the police. The veterinarian will be able to check if the dog has a microchip, being able to immediately trace the owner who has lost it or who unfortunately chose to abandon it. Always remember that abandoning a dog is a very serious crime that cannot and must not remain. unpunished. But a stray dog ​​is not always a dog that has been abandoned. There are also many dogs that run away from their owners due to momentary fright such as a storm or simply to run after other dogs. If you want to do something more before delivering your dog to the police or the vet, take a picture of him so you can put an ad on facebook: you might be lucky and be able to find his family!

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What to do after first aid to the abandoned dog

When the veterinarian has taken care of the dog, once he is healed, a local kennel will be contacted. The kennel will take care of the dog for about 10 days, during this period the kennel operators will do everything to find the rightful owner and return the dog (provided that the conditions are met and if the dog has not been abandoned). After this period without results, it is possible to have recourse to the temporary custody reserved for those who have helped him or to other people who wish to adopt him. Also in this case, people will be carefully checked by kennel operators and volunteers to make sure they have all the necessary requirements to keep the dog. Temporary custody becomes definitive only after 60 days. Whoever finds an abandoned dog and loves animals is usually very shaken by the encounter. And he is tempted to take the dog and take him home: a temptation that must be resisted, however. By doing so, you hinder rescue and maybe prevent a lost dog from returning home and being able to hug the most important person in his life again: his owner who is certainly looking for him everywhere and is afraid for his health!

Abandoned dog: loving owner