Make happy birthday wishes with these famous phrases

We have collected the most beautiful famous phrases spoken by famous people to wish happy birthday. Funny quotes, short aphorisms, wise reflections on the passing of time: here is a list of all the words to dedicate to a special person who makes the years! And if you want to give a bouquet of flowers together with the greeting card, don't forget to check its meaning: it's all explained in the video below!

The most beautiful famous phrases to dedicate to your sweetheart

When your love is birthday you would like the dedication for his birthday to be perfect. You can take a cue from these famous phrases to wish a special happy birthday to your sweetheart.

Your birthday is a pleasure. You are my sweetest treasure. Danny Demeersseman

I would pick a star from the sky for you and close it in a precious casket, if I could. I would seal love in a tall and narrow bottle if I could, so you could sip it when you needed it. Anne Sexton

Some people no matter how old they get, they never lose their beauty, they simply transfer it from the face to the heart. Barbara Johnson

Birthdays must be celebrated. I think it is more important to celebrate a birthday than the success of an exam, a promotion, or a victory. In fact, celebrating a birthday means saying to someone: “Thank you because it's you”. Henry Nouwen

When you desire something, the whole Universe conspires so that you make your desire come true. Paulo Coelho

Life is a huge canvas: pour all the colors you can onto it. Danny Kaye

Congratulations! Count your age from friends, not years. Count your life with smiles, not tears. John Lennon

Sometimes the simplest things can become extraordinary if they are done with the right people. Nicholas Sparks

This year I would like to amaze you, amaze you with a fantastic and original gift, but my genius may not be appreciated. So settle for a classic and traditional Happy Birthday. Peanuts

You came and with a dance step you entered my life. Camillo Sbarbaro

Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty. Anyone who can maintain the ability to see beauty will never get old. Franz Kafka

Happy birthday famous phrases: like the most beautiful phrases, aphorisms can also be a great way to send greetings

The most beautiful phrases to send a happy birthday to a woman

Whether it's our mother's birthday, our best friend's or our beloved sister's, a special dedication can only please her. This is a selection of the most beautiful famous phrases to show all our affection.

A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never remembers her age. Robert Frost

It takes a minute to notice a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, a whole life to forget them. Charlie Chaplin

Passion cannot be described, it can only be experienced. Enzo Ferrari

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that leave us breathless. Maya Angelou

The birthday is just one more day of all the days to come, but it becomes a special memory if spent with the one you love. What makes a birthday special is not the date itself, but the love that has been sown over the years, collected through the attention and smiles of those around us. Stephen Littleword

Women ask for the impossible: we must forget their age, but always remember their birthday. Karl Farkas

Happy birthday and remember that you only live the time you love. Claude Adrien Helvetius

You can be splendid at thirty, fascinating at forty, and irresistible for the rest of your life. Coco Chanel

The most effective way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once. Herbert V. Prochnow

happy birthday famous phrases: images, aphorisms, famous quotes to use as wallpaper

The most famous dedications to wish you a happy birthday

These are the famous phrases to wish a happy birthday to a person we particularly care about. These are sometimes amusing reflections, sometimes a little more serious about the meaning of life and the passing of time. In fact, birthday is an achievement that must always be celebrated!

No one ages simply by living a certain number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years can wrinkle the skin, but giving up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Samuel Ullman

Life begins at forty. Best wishes from the heart. Sophia Tucker

Birthdays are inevitable, beautiful and very special moments in our life! Moments that bring back precious memories, celebrate present times and give hope for the future. Bsbr Arish

Birthdays are feathers on the broad wings of time. Best wishes! Jean Paul

In the end, what matters is not the years of your life, but the life you put into those years. Abraham Lincoln

Happy birthday! No one is as old as those who have survived the enthusiasm. Henry David Thoreau

May you live every day of your life. Jonathan Swift

The beauty of growing old is that all the other ages that have been are not lost. Madeleine L’Engle

We never know what old age is. Let us know the happiness that time brings, don't count the years. 10th Magnus Ausonius

The anniversary is the echo of time that passes: inexorably. Pierre Véron

happy birthday famous phrases: this is a selection of the most famous authors to make birthday wishes

Life is a gift and every birthday is a new beginning: it ensures that every day is clothed with hope, so that the shadows of the past do not obscure the light of the future. Mary Ann Hathaway Tripp

Success is coming to an important birthday and finding that you are exactly the same. Elizabeth Staton

It's your birthday? Make the most of the past days and enjoy the days to come, turn your life into a masterpiece. Stephen Littleword

The anniversary is the echo of the passing of time: inexorably. Pierre Véron

Being who we are and becoming what we are capable of becoming is the only end of life. Robert Louis Stevenson

Success is coming to an important birthday and finding that you are exactly the same. Elizabeth Staton

The years that pass are the verses that life writes on our hearts… Many happy birthday wishes. Massimo Lo Pilato

The best years are those that are yet to come. From Twitter

The images of our lives flow in front of me like frames from famous movies. Happy Birthday!

When we are together again, love, words will be superfluous. Congratulations!

You are a special person my love and the best years are yet to come.

I will always be with you my love, even when birthdays are so many to count! You are a special person! Happy birthday love!

happy birthday famous phrases: the most beautiful phrases in the world to use as wallpaper too

The phrases of good wishes for friends

The phrases, quotes and aphorisms of the great authors to wish a special birthday to our friends.

A birthday is just the first day of another 365 day trip around the sun. Enjoy the ride. Peter Masterson

Years are fulfilled ... but destinies are not fulfilled, dreams are not fulfilled, certainties are not fulfilled ... Year after year the awareness of one's fragility and limitations is fulfilled, the courage to go forward is fulfilled, the amazement of to know that the horizon is always there waiting for your gaze. Fabrizio Caramagna

If you strive for youth, I think it produces an old stereotype because you only live in memory, you live in a place that doesn't exist. Aging is an extraordinary process in which you become the person you always should have been. David Bowie

Life is short. Forgive quickly, kiss slowly, truly love, always laugh out loud and never regret anything that made you smile or cry. Sergio Bambarén

At 15 you want to please; at 20, you have to like it; at 40, you can like it; but it's not until 30 that you know how to like it. Jean-Gabriel Domergue

Today you are older than you have ever been, and younger than you will ever be. Eleanor Roosevelt

You don't stop laughing as you get older, you get older when you stop laughing. George Bernard Shaw

Try to always be yourself, so one day you can say that you were the only one. Jim Morrison

At twenty years of age, the will reigns; at thirty, wit; and at forty, the judgment. Benjamin Franklin

There is only one way to forget time: to use it. Charles Baudelaire

In a corner of the heart you are always 20 years old. Mafalda

You are twenty, you joke a little, and when you wake up you are thirty. It's over, your age will never begin with a two again. Frédéric Beigbeder

You are never too old to become young. Mae West

happy birthday famous phrases: the phrases of the most famous authors to use as wallpaper images

The funniest birthday greetings

The most ironic and funny phrases, quotes and aphorisms to wish a happy birthday. The perfect image of comedy summed up in a few words!

Birthday parties are funerals in installments, with the participation of the deceased still alive. Gerald Dunkl

I always think that for my birthday they throw me a party with a huge cake that comes out of a naked and gigantic woman. He hits me and goes back into the cake. Woody Allen

My parents were so poor that I celebrated my 16th birthday when I was 35! Wiet Van Broeckoven

There are men so precise and fussy who wanted to be born on their birthday. Mirco Stefanon

Best wishes! By now there are so many candles on your cake that you need a Canadair to blow them out! Lia Celi

Age is not important unless you are a cheese. Barbara Johnson

I realized I was getting old when on my birthday all the guests stood around the cake to warm their hands. George Burns

I always remember my wife's birthday. It falls the day after she reminds me. Leopold Fechtner

For her birthday I wanted to give her a book, but she preferred a perfume, she already had one as a book. Piero Ferraris

For my birthday I would like someone to give me a great love, even if second-hand. Egidio Arlotti

happy birthday famous phrases: the most beautiful and famous phrases in the world by the best known authors to use as an image and wallpaper

It's nice when I forget all birthdays, including mine, only to find that someone remembers me. Mark Twain

Man does not have his birthday once a year, but after each heartbeat. Horst A. Brudel

Looking in the mirror, on his seventy-fifth birthday, the writer Edmond Rostand commented: "Eh, mirrors are no longer what they used to be". Avner Ziv

I was thinking of some tricks to skip the birthday. Inventing a bacterium eats paper calendars and a computer virus eats diaries? Exercise in flight

There are 364 days you could get non-birthday gifts ... And only one for birthday gifts, you know. Lewis Carroll

With all the advances in medicine, there is still no remedy for the common birthday. John Glenn

That man is older than his birthday. Moms Mabley

When my wife gives me a birthday present, I experience two surprises: first for the gift and then because I have to pay for it. Maurice Donnay

This is one of the advantages of women: after the age of twenty-five they overlook their birthdays as well as on unseemly things. Men, on the other hand, are so convinced of the intelligence demonstrated by coming into the world, that their birthday always interests them; and they are so foolish as to think that others care too. William Somerset Maugham

Marriage is the alliance of two people, one of whom never remembers birthdays and the other who never forgets them. Ogden Nash

The day of one's birthday is, for human beings, the most stressful of the whole year: you have to make a huge effort to smile and pretend interest in gifts that very often make you pity. Andrea Mucciolo

Middle age is when one has known so many people that every new person they know reminds them of someone else. Ogden Nash

Can you imagine what it would be like to spend as many days as your birthday ?! No thanks! Anonymous

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