Alda Merini: beautiful famous phrases about women

Alda Merini is an Italian writer and poetess born in 1931 in Milan. At the age of 15, his talent in writing and poetry had already come to the surface, especially for his being particularly sensitive towards women, for whom he demonstrates an example of strength and determination.

Before proceeding with the reading, watch the video below against violence against women, a theme certainly dear to Merini!

The most beautiful aphorisms and poems of Alda Merini

  • "I'm not beautiful, I'm just erotic."
  • "I'm not a tameable woman."
  • "But I too, like Pinocchio, sell my abc for a kiss of love."
  • "I cannot become a saint because I always have the" weapon of desire in my hand. "
  • “When a lover loses you it means he is a coward. When a lover can't lose you, he's a thief. "
  • "Because the lack of love is my pestilence."
  • "Menopause is the golden period of love."
  • “I will look for it for nudist paths. I will look for him beyond death, beyond the lost paradises. I know where he lives: he entered into symbiosis with my mind. Two different minds become one crazy mind. "
  • "Beauty is nothing but the unveiling of a fallen darkness and the light that has come out of it."
  • "A rose blooms on my cheek if you kiss me and I look at you and I'm afraid of breaking."
  • "If women are frivolous it is because they are intelligent to the bitter end."
  • "I lie down to your side like a tired virgin, neither do I know what you can give me nor do you know what I want to say."
  • “The palette has seven changes one for each kiss you gave me. Seven kisses of lips and absolute. "
  • "The role of housewife-wife-mother is the only possible role for women assumed to be natural, as the very essence of female living."
  • “All of us, when we live a terrible moment in our existence and then overcome it, we tend to forget the evil suffered and received. It is a bit like the solution of childbirth, a very beautiful physiological procedure: if all mothers were to remember what they suffered during labor, there would be no more children. In fact, nature is ... "
  • "No man can say that he has not been crucified at least once to that olive branch that is the woman."

A supporter of women: here are the most significant phrases of Alda Merini

  • "Children are given birth every day."
  • "When I write I bow my head in the dust and yearn for the wind, the sun, and my woman's skin against a man's skin."
  • "O cruel women, women who have never experienced pain and do not know what it means."
  • "I think you don't really die of love but of a long series of inconveniences, fears, internal investigations."
  • "The person I've always adored is me."
  • "Whoever is short of lies cannot save himself."
  • "Those who are convinced they are doing us good often ruin us."
  • "Lobotomy is the final touch of a great hairdresser."
  • "Hell is my passion."
  • "The dawn reassures you and the light ... you can finally dream."

Most famous phrases and aphorisms of the Milanese poet

  • "And if you become a butterfly, nobody thinks about what it was like when you crawled on the ground and you didn't want wings."
  • “The best revenge? Happiness. There is nothing that drives people more crazy than seeing you happy. "
  • “I have to get rid of time
    and live the present since there is no other temp
    than this wonderful moment. "
    verses taken from the poem "My past"
  • “People just happen by chance
    in our life,
    but not by chance.
    They often fill us with teachings.
    Sometimes they make us fly high,
    others crash us to the ground
    teaching us the pain ...
    giving us everything,
    taking everything away
    leaving us nothing. "
    verses taken from the poem "People happen by chance"
  • "Belonging to someone means entering with your idea into the" idea of ​​him or her and making it a sigh of happiness. "
  • "I always wake up fit and deform through others."
  • "There is a place in the world where the heart beats fast, where you remain breathless for how much emotion you feel; where time stops and you are no longer old. That place is in your arms where the heart never gets old, while the mind never stops dreaming. "
  • "I enjoyed life because I also like the hell of life and life is often hell. For me, life was beautiful because I paid dearly for it. "
  • "We embrace to find ourselves whole."
  • "Superficiality worries me but the depth kills me."
  • "It is necessary for a woman to leave a sign of herself, of her soul, to a man because we are all good at making love!"
  • "I love colors, times of a restless, unsolvable, vital longing, a very humble and sovereign explanation of the cosmics because of my breath." verses taken from the poem "Colori"
  • "Maybe there is something of your love left inside the wind." verses from the poem "Ora il corpo"
  • "It takes a great love to live next to you, my love." verses taken from the poem "Dedication"
  • "There are adolescences that start at ninety."
  • "If God absolves me, he always does it for lack of evidence."

Alda Merini: famous quotes and phrases not only about women

  • Despondency never takes into account the firmament.
  • I remained a child because I had the ability to dream.
  • I am a rare city and a night swallow.
  • Madness visits me at least twice a day.
  • Nobody combs me as well as the wind.
  • Aphorisms are the spells of the night. (Alda Merini)
  • Aphorisms are the spells of the night.
  • We embrace each other to find ourselves whole.
  • When the lie seems true, slander is born.
  • If God absolves me, he always does it for lack of evidence.
  • Nobody renounces their destiny even if it is made of only stones.
  • Madness also deserves its applause.
  • Those like me are those who, in the autumn of your life, you will regret for all that they could have given you and that you did not want.
  • The poet never sleeps but on the other hand he often dies.
  • The dream sings on one string.
  • Perhaps the asylum exists for this. Because the real mortal sin for men is freedom.
  • I am satisfied with being serene over time; happiness are moments, and when they arrive I take them without hesitation. (Alda Merini)
  • Lobotomy is the final touch of a great hairdresser.
  • No man can say that he has not been crucified at least once to that olive branch that is the woman.
  • Sin never refuses.
  • The gun I aimed at my head is called poetry.
  • Neurosis is something limited to the pubis.
  • People happen by chance in our life, but not by chance. They often fill our lives with teachings. Sometimes they make us fly high, others crash us to the ground teaching us pain, giving us everything, taking everything away, leaving us nothing.
  • I would like to be helped but not to understand. Because I understand too much.
  • I will always refuse the Nobel prize because it is cold in Sweden.
  • Pain is nothing but the surprise of not knowing us.

  • Simplicity is sometimes the symptom of internal avarice.
  • It is not the mad but the sane who are hurting.
  • Depression is pure creativity talk.
  • I was crazy among crazy people. The insane were mad at heart, some very clever. My best friendships were born there.
  • The mad are nice, not like the insane, who are all out in the world. I met the demented after, when I went out!
  • And if you become a butterfly no one thinks about what it was when you crawled on the ground and you didn't want wings.
  • I find my verses by dipping the inkwell in the sky.
  • I haven't heard from me for a long time.
  • You are the window sometimes towards which I address words at night, when my heart shines.
  • If women are frivolous, it is because they are intelligent to the bitter end.
  • Flies never rest because the shit is so much.
  • I am not a tameable woman.
  • Those like me look forward, even if the heart always remains a few steps behind.
  • I'm not beautiful, I'm just erotic.
  • I don't like heaven because it probably has no obsessions.
  • The house of poetry will never have doors.
  • The quietest chord is that of verses.
  • I love because my body is always evolving.
  • One kills out of a thirst for money, or out of guilt, however one always kills. He also kills himself with caresses.
  • Nobody combs me as well as the wind.
  • My God, explain love to me how you can love the flesh without kissing its soul.

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