16th week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 4th month of pregnancy

Every woman experiences pregnancy in a different way: there are those who can't wait to hug their baby, those who have some absolutely justified fears and those who unfortunately have to deal with the typical symptoms of this period. The first, second and third trimester of pregnancy are never the same, here is everything you need to know about the sixteenth week of gestation. Before reading this article, watch the video with the things not to do if you are pregnant.

Symptoms of the 16th week of pregnancy

Here is a list of some symptoms that can be easily seen at the 16th week of pregnancy.

  • an enlarged breast;
  • pain in the hips and back;
  • visible veins especially on the chest and breasts (due to the increased blood flow);
  • joint and muscle pain;
  • pain in the round ligament of the uterus;
  • memory loss (pregnancy brain);
  • shortness of breath for the uterus pressing on the diaphragm
  • tiredness;
  • leg cramps
  • constipation;
  • gas and flatulence;
  • sore gums and nosebleeds;
  • increased vaginal discharge;
  • mood swings;
  • indigestion and heartburn;
  • speed in the growth of nails and hair due to the high levels of hormones;
  • dry and itchy skin especially on the belly.

See also

14th week of pregnancy for mother and baby - 4th month of pregnancy

4th week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 1st month of pregnancy

3rd week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 1st month of pregnancy

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Mother's health during the sixteenth week of pregnancy

In the 16th week of pregnancy, the mother is already in the 4th month, this means that most of the malassias typical of the first trimester, nausea, hormonal changes and so on, should have disappeared. The woman is starting to feel much better, she feels fitter and more energetic, not least because she hasn't put on much weight yet even though her belly is growing.

During this period the height of the uterus continues to grow and in some cases you may feel small contractions: there is no need to worry, it is only the uterus that is slowly preparing for birth. Only in case the contractions become persistent this week, it will be better to contact your gynecologist.

The woman's intestine can easily be subject to constipation: by increasing the daily amount of fiber, everything should return to normal levels.
If they have not already appeared before, during the 16th week of pregnancy some spots may appear on the face: they are completely normal and will go away spontaneously after delivery. What we recommend is to protect yourself from the sun with a high spf cream and avoid being in the sun always during the hottest hours of the day, especially in summer.
The female body tends to expand to accommodate the fetus within itself and the woman will put on a few pounds. For this reason, you may also observe stretch marks, but it will be enough to use a moisturizer or an oil (almond, rose hip, wheat germ) daily to help prevent the appearance of unsightly streaks.
If you are wondering if you can use the seat belt in the car, the answer is yes, you absolutely must wear it in such a way that the upper belt passes over the abdomen, while the lower belt passes under the belly. The belt must appear tight. protection is essential and in the unfortunate event of an accident, it is much less risky than a violent blow to the abdomen that can be caused by the steering wheel or other parts of the vehicle.

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Have you already chosen the name for your baby? If you run out of ideas, get inspired by our list of names for all tastes!

How the baby's growth and development is progressing in the 16th week of pregnancy

The fetus in the sixteenth week of pregnancy has made great progress, its growth proceeds as well as the development of organs. It will measure around 10 centimeters or so and weigh around 70 grams.
In this period, the small ear cavities, fingerprints and in general, his features will be more and more human. The muscles will also proceed with growth, moving more and more often. By performing an ultrasound at this stage, it will be possible to clearly see the spine, the bones of the legs and arms, the feet and the intestines.
The gynecologist will already be able to do an evaluation of the nuchal fold, cerebellum and stomach.

During the fourth month, you will be able to begin to feel the baby's first movements: it is always a very moving moment that all mothers look forward to. The moment of perception of the first movement of the fetus is very different from woman to woman, but in most cases it is an instant. These movements are the result of the development and formation of the skeleton, muscles and nervous system of the fetus. For the future baby, it is about reflex movements and the progressive learning of voluntary movements. Later, the movements in your belly will be the reactions of the fetus with respect to the surrounding environment (sound…).

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Courses and advice for preparing for childbirth

The preparation for classic childbirth, proposed to all future mothers, allows you to learn more about the various stages of childbirth and anticipate this unique moment, to live it in full awareness ... and actively.
Even the father can participate in these sessions of preparation for childbirth. You can choose to attend these courses at the hospital where you will give birth, or at your neighborhood counseling center.
Here is a small zoom on these methods, to help you choose the one that suits you best.

The classic childbirth preparation courses usually take place between 6 and 8 months of pregnancy. It consists of 6 - 8 information sessions on practical and theoretical knowledge on childbirth, on relaxation methods and autogenic training done by a group of qualified health professionals such as gynecologist, pediatrician, midwife, social worker, health assistant and psychologist.

Sophrology it can be practiced as early as the 5th month. With their eyes closed, under the supervision of a sophrologist, women practice visualization exercises of their body and that of the child, aimed at relaxation. By allowing you to focus on yourself, the sophrologist helps you find calm and serenity. In addition, on the day of birth, the visualization of the baby's journey will be of great help so that the mother can breathe correctly, favoring the birth and not opposing it.

Haptonomy can be practiced as soon as the baby begins to move in the belly (around 4 and a half months of pregnancy). It allows the mother and father to communicate with their future baby through contact. By exerting light pressure on the mother's belly, the baby reacts to external inputs by moving. A "unique emotion!" Haponomy allows the two parents to share the pregnancy and get in touch with their baby even before birth.
Find out more by reading our article on haptonomy in pregnancy.

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The prenatal chant, thanks to breathing exercises, it allows the mother to have a better awareness of the different parts of her body during childbirth. Furthermore, once born, the baby can be soothed by listening to the songs he heard when he was still in his mother's womb.

The fascia therapy it is practiced by a physiotherapist. The "bands" are the thin membranes that surround the bowels, muscles, bones, ligaments… and allow the connection between all our organs. The fascia therapy allows the bands to be put back "in their place", through very precise massages, thus relieving various pains: back pain (frequent during pregnancy), nausea, migraines ... Moreover, thanks to this method, the patient acquires a greater awareness of one's body, facilitating a more peaceful birth.

Useful information not to forget and to know

  • Think about who can help you after giving birth with the baby (grandparents, nurse, daycare)
  • Ask for the second mandatory antenatal visit
  • Get organized for blood tests
  • Book the complete urine test

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