Alessandra D'Agostino and Napisan: it is important to leave them free to explore at the table

I am Alessandra, I live in Naples and I am the mother of two children, Francesco and Alessandro.
My passion is cooking, I enjoy cooking and my weak point is desserts. I love to prepare them, but above all to eat them
For some time I have opened my personal blog, my window on the world, a space of my own where I tell about myself and my passions: cooking, furniture, our travels, and all the experiences that I live and that are linked to motherhood and pregnancy.

Currently with Francesco we are in the phase of "let me do it, mom me, mom me" and he repeats it until he feels independent. I have to say that when I can, I let him do it, I like him to explore and feel free. Clearly within the limits of danger. He wants to cook, he helps me break the dough and weigh it, prepare a snack, wash the fruit. He is just a little man who observes a lot and who likes to imitate us so much. I am proud of him and of the big and curious child he is becoming. Moreover, at the threshold of its six months, we have completely redone the approach recommended by Lucio Piermarini for self-weaning, because I found it to be the most suitable path for us and his requests. From the age of six months Francesco began to eat with his little hands, grabbed food, played with it, tasted it, and day after day he always achieved great achievements, in a curious and active way. The only "drawback" is that there was baby food everywhere at the end of the meal. On the high chair, on the floor, on her clothes and all over her face.

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I have quoted the word inconvenience because luckily I am a very little apprehensive person from this point of view. I always put his needs first and whatever was good for him, I always wanted him to grow up like a free child, even at the risk of having to rearrange some furniture, to collect the games scattered in the living room, or to have to remove stains from gravy on the t-shirt. Besides, it doesn't matter to me, it takes me very little to tidy up both the work and play surfaces and its high chair area, very few minutes. He has always been calm in this way, and so have we. In fact, I recently discovered a product that has greatly simplified what to do in this respect, the new Napisan sanitizing multi-surface wipes.

Among the many variants available, I tried the new Napisan sanitizing wipes with eucalyptus essence: they have a degreasing power with a fresh eucalyptus scent and are perfect for us because they remove germs, bacteria, grease and food residues. I found that they are super effective for removing sauce and oil stains that alas I find everywhere !! They can be used on surfaces outside and inside the home, on plastic tables and chairs, on stoves, sinks, taps, shower stalls and toilets. For the high chair tray then, there are Napisan delicate sanitizing wipes without rinsing and without bleach not only remove food residues and stains from surfaces in a few seconds, but at the same time also remove germs and bacteria so that its floor support is always perfectly sanitized for the time being. A child is peaceful if he lives in a peaceful environment.

Alessandra D'Agostino for Napisan