The surname of the children? The first yes arrives to allow you to choose it

Maternal surname, paternal surname or both? Parents initially, and later adult children, will be able to choose. This is the novelty contained in the law that was approved by the Chamber of Deputies in recent days. Of course, the process is not yet finished and now he will have to pass the examination of the Senate for the final yes, but a first important step has been taken.

The classroom approved the bill, which adapts the Italian legal system to that of other European countries, with 239 votes in favor, 92 against and 69 abstentions.

But what does this law provide in concrete terms? That at birth the child may have the surname of the father or mother or the two surnames, according to what the parents decide together. However, if there is no agreement, the child will have the surname of both in alphabetical order.

Same rule for children born out of wedlock and recognized by the two parents and for the adoptive ones.
The new rules will not be immediately operational, it will take technical times that will probably exceed one year. While waiting for the regulation, it will still be possible to add the maternal surname to the paternal one, if the parents agree.

"It is" another step towards gender equality and full parental responsibility, "he comments Donatella Ferranti. "The" obligation of the paternal surname - adds the president of the Justice Commission - it is a symbol of a patriarchal legacy out of time and absurdly discriminatory, as such severely censured by the European Court of "human rights".