Technology and physical discomfort: 10 good habits that have been lost in the era of smartphones and that will benefit your health

Are you more looking for a wifi connection than for the meaning of life? Do you interact more willingly with your smartphone than with any other animated being and can't take your eyes off it even when you walk or are at the cinema? Well: Houston, we have a problem. Yes, because an "excessive interference of technology, even in a 2.0 world like the one we live in today, can represent a problem. And not only in sociological and relational terms, but also in physical terms.Mind you, we are not demonizing the power of technology nor praising an unlikely and anachronistic return to a bucolic life marked by the rhythms of nature, we simply want to bring to your attention a general loss of some good old habits, increasingly endangered in the " era of smartphones, which could however benefit our physical well-being.

Needless to tell you how much office posture, sedentary lifestyle, prolonged use of devices and technological devices with consequent and perennial bending of the neck are unhealthy, but are now mostly indispensable, as they are 100% compatible with the rhythms and commitments of today's life, it would be good to introduce in our daily life some healthy habit now lost that helps us to remove stress and to find some psychological and muscular relaxation. We therefore decided to brush up on ten good vintage habits for modern users of the hi-tech world, which we are sure will be quite appreciated.

1. Breakfast with friends

Take a few precious minutes to have a decent breakfast with your partner or your children: via tablet, smartphone and television, start the day with some chat instead of gray news and not very encouraging breaking news.

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2. The good old machine breaks

Try to think: all day leaning at your desk with your eyes fixed on your PC screen. Not exactly an optimal condition, is it? That's why, those forced into a sedentary office life would do well to take advantage of at least the breaks to move from the computer and make contact with real life. Privilege a chat at the machines with colleagues rather than taking more time to surf the net, yes, even if for playful and personal purposes. You will see, your mind and back will thank you.

3. A good book before bedtime

Reading a few pages before falling asleep, an old habit, today often supplanted by the latest social updates at nightfall. Charge your smartphone and browse a few pages of your favorite author, before falling into the arms of Morpheus.

4. Treat yourself to moments of relaxation away from devices of any kind

A hot bath with your favorite music in the background, a walk in the park near your home, perhaps with your four-legged friend, a tea with friends, in short, any activity that helps you to disconnect and carve out some time for yourself, possibly offline.

5. The OFFLINE chats with best friends

Have you ever waited to communicate a particularly beautiful news or a succulent gossip live to your best friends, without anticipating everything via message or whatsapp? It would be a good idea to recover the old moment of confidences in front of a coffee or maybe a sweet in the middle of the afternoon, don't you think?

6. Look at the sky sometimes ...

... and the trees, and the buildings, and the streets, and the people you cross. Get used to looking away from your smartphone while walking, it could also happen that the surrounding world is more stimulating than you think.

7. Enjoy concerts without reporting live!

Enough with the easy shot syndrome resulting in immediate social sharing! Learn to fully enjoy what you are experiencing without the anxiety of documenting everything to publish it on various and possible social networks.

8. Write letters (and fewer chat messages)

Public messages, social declarations and manifestations of "love worldwide, today everything is screamed and shared, in a frantic search for" likes "and continuous complacency, but how nice it is to receive words on paper from a loved one? A custom now this is an obsolete one, which it would be good to dust off every now and then. Rest assured, there are still those who appreciate old-fashioned romance.

9. Old photo albums

In addition to collecting digital photos on smartphones and then posting them on Instagram with the right filters, sometimes remember to develop the most beautiful shots and those you are most fond of, perhaps grouping them in souvenir albums. One day, perhaps far away, you will thank each other.

10. Dust off your bike

If you can, and time permits, take out your bicycle, instead of getting into crowded buses, trams and subways. Yes, that's right, that way you won't be able to google or see the latest Facebook statuses, but want to put a good ride around town on a sunny day? It will be a cure-all for your inner well-being. Besides being a good way to get some physical movement.

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