Pink leaks: the causes and the most effective remedies

Many women happen to notice small losses in pink, at certain specific times or at particular times of the month. These vaginal secretions do not necessarily have to cause alarm, the causes can be of a very different nature. The blood traces may indicate that the period is coming, or that ovulation is in progress or that there is a pregnancy. Similarly they can appear if you are taking oral contraceptives. However, the appearance of pink discharge may also indicate the presence of a more serious problem, such as bacterial vaginosis or other infections of the female genital tract. Observing the symptoms and understanding the messages our body sends us is important to get to know it better and take care of it. By the way, are you really sure you know everything about your vagina?

Pink leaks: when it happens before your period

A few days before the menstrual cycle it may happen to notice pink vaginal discharge on the panties. The cause is to be found in the small hormonal shift that your body has to experience before the arrival of menstruation. This type of loss should not cause alarm, as it is a normal and physiological consequence. When the egg is mature, the follicle bursts and can cause blood loss that mixes with other vaginal mucus: hence the pink color. Light pink discharge can also indicate that she is starting a pregnancy: this type of discharge is not easy to recognize and is often mistaken for a woman who does not realize she is pregnant. It is good to remember that you can notice the losses that announce your period from one day before to a few hours before the start of menstruation.

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Pink discharge: when it happens after your period

As we have seen, pink losses before the period are much more frequent but it is not uncommon to notice losses even in the days immediately following menstruation, up to 5 days after.
These are very small and isolated blood losses. These losses are generally not pink in color but tend to brownish. The brown color of the losses at the end of the cycle is due to the time that passes from the emission of blood to its release outside.

Knowing what happens in the body during the menstrual cycle is important for learning to understand your body.

See also: Everything you didn't know about menstruation

© iStock Everything you didn't know about menstruation

Pink discharge in pregnancy

When the fertilized egg implants itself in the endometrium, small pink losses can occur. These losses, also called implantation losses, occur from the first weeks of gestation and then continue throughout the first quarter. This type of loss often worries the new mother, who fears the risk of a miscarriage. However, the blood losses that occur when an abortion is in progress are bright red and usually occur in the following months. Abundant losses of intense red color should be alarming: they could indicate abruption of the placenta or an ectopic pregnancy. Small pink losses can also occur in the last weeks of pregnancy: here too there is no danger for the mother and the baby. These losses are due to the changes that the body undergoes in its preparation for childbirth and to changes in the uterus. Other completely harmless causes of small pink discharge in pregnancy could be constipation (the effort could cause the capillaries to break) or even a mini trauma due to, for example, an internal ultrasound. If you are pregnant and you notice frequent bleeding, it is always best to go to your gynecologist. The doctor will be able to answer all your doubts and give you all the advice and reassurance you need!

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Pink discharge in menopause

As we have seen, hormonal changes in the female body can cause small pink vaginal discharge. This also explains why it is not uncommon for women to observe the presence of pink discharge even in menopause. The drop in estrogen and progesterone levels can lead to blood loss. If associated with other symptoms, such as intimate itching, bad smell and burning, these losses indicate the presence of an infection in the genital system. In any case, menopause is a delicate period full of changes for every woman and it is always advisable to consult your gynecologist in case of frequent pink discharge.

Pink discharge after sex

When pink leaks occur after sexual intercourse, it is referred to as post-coital bleeding. It is good to distinguish whether it is an isolated phenomenon or if, on the contrary, a frequent occurrence after intercourse. In the case of the isolated phenomenon, pink leaks can be the sign of a small trauma to the genital organ caused by too intense penetration or insufficient lubrication. Usually in these causes it is not necessary to worry: the problem is solved naturally in a few days. However, if you frequently notice blood loss after sexual intercourse, it is necessary to contact your gynecologist to assess the presence of precancerous forms, of a benign nature that affect the area of ​​the vagina or cervix and which can easily be identified by the doctor with a visit.
Recurrent blood loss after sex can show growths such as polyps or fibroids, or infections, such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), or chlamydia. In any case, a gynecological examination will quickly clarify the nature of the blood loss!

When the pill is to blame

Half of the women who use the pill notice the appearance of small pink discharge. This phenomenon, called spotting, should not cause concern and certainly does not mean that the contraceptive pill is not working well. The pink losses are due to hormonal changes, they are a small side effect that resolves in the first three months after the first intake. If the phenomenon continues for more than three months from the first intake, it is necessary to contact the gynecologist.

What if it's an "infection?"

Do not underestimate the presence of abundant loss of pink color if accompanied by itching and bad smell. In this case, the discharge could be a symptom of bacterial vaginosis. A recurring problem for women using contraceptives such as IUD or taking antibiotics or other medicines. Going to the gynecologist for a cure is essential and immediately reduces discomfort.

The most suitable remedies

If you want to prevent vaginal discharge and reduce discomfort and discomfort, adopt a series of simple rules concerning small but precious habits of your lifestyle. Drink plenty of water, which allows you to eliminate waste and toxins from the body and ensures the hydration you need.
Take care of your underwear, choose it in natural fibers such as cotton. Remember sweat allows bacteria to proliferate! Do not use intimate products with alcohol and perfumes which can cause allergies and worsen any infections that may be present. Instead, choose a gentle intimate cleanser that respects the physiological vaginal pH. Do not wear too tight clothing (yes, give up on leggings and skinny jeans for a while). Be careful what you eat: avoid foods with too much salt and too much sugar, to keep candida away. You can also take live lactic ferments: they are precious for the vaginal bacterial flora, especially if you are experiencing a period of stress or if you are taking a lot of medicines or antibiotics!
And then, the last rule and also the most important: undergo annual checks by the gynecologist!

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