Morgan goes live: "I leave X Factor forever!"

"I know the rules of transmission well. I eliminate the Spritz for Five, but I leave X Factor forever. I think I have nothing more to do with the drifts that this transmission has taken. Thank you, it was nice", these are the words with which Morgan closed the broadcast yesterday, late in the evening, when he was asked to choose between two of the vocal groups that belong to his category; a calm comment, without manifestations of anger or controversy, but firm and resolute, in which the former Bluvertigo distanced himself from the dynamics of talent, calling himself out of the game.

Will it really be like this, or is a skilled strategist hiding in Morgan's calm temperament and measured and reasoned words? For now, the brilliant artist seems quite sincere, and besides, the singer-songwriter has never hidden his estrangement from the mechanisms of television. We can only wait for the next moves of the singer, which we are sure will amaze us, as he usually does.


See also Gosling leaves Eva and returns to his ex