5 feminist books you must read in 2019

2018 was the year of feminism: the #metoo movement and mass demonstrations made the year just ended a key moment in the world history of the feminist movement. We have begun to denounce veiled machismo, started discussions of the consequences that patriarchy brings, a social phenomenon that blocks the development of gender equality and finally, sexual abuse in the private and work spheres have been denounced, bringing to light the great extra challenges women face in achieving their goals.

If you have been struck by this great phenomenon and want to learn what the feminist movement means and why it is so important for the evolution of modern society, we have selected for you 5 of the best sellers of the most renowned feminist writers of the present to guide you in this process of They are educational books, novels and essays that will surely bring you woman empowerment and the desire to fight male chauvinism!

# 1 We should all be Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie feminists

"Being a feminist is not just about women"

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is a Nigerian writer, winner of the Commonwealth Writers Award in the category "First Best Book" for his work "Ibisco Viola" and winner of the Nonino international prize for his work "Half of a Yellow Sun".

In her book "We Should All Be Feminists", this excellent writer offers her readers an original definition of feminism for the 21st century, a broad explanation of what it means to be a woman today, and a highly topical appeal as to why we should be. all feminists. It is a very personal, direct and humorous story.

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# 2 Margaret Atwood's Handmaid's Tale

Margaret Eleanor Atwood is a Canadian poet, writer and environmentalist who has won countless awards including the Arthur C. Clarke Award and Booker Prize. Atwood is one of the leading and most awarded living writers of feminist fiction and science fiction (or speculative fiction). She is best known for her novel "The Handmaid's Tale", a story that became a TV series via HBO and got the highest ratings!

"The Handmaid's Tale" it is mainly surprising how much the story is in step with the times, even though the first original was published in 1985. The novel tells the story of the fictional Republic of Gilead, a society of the future that has a great problem of infertility among women and where those few fertile ones that are left are controlled by a patriarchal and moralistic system. They are deprived of freedom or rights and their whole life, from food to sexual life, is controlled with the sole purpose of procreation. It is a shocking novel, so realistic that it makes us rethink different actions and habits of our true social reality. A mandatory reading in this 2019.

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# 3 How To Raise Rebel Girls & Enlightened Boys by Allison Vale & Victoria Ralfs

"Growing up in the 1970s, neither Allison Vale nor Victoria Ralfs thought they needed feminism. But years of bullying at the playground, escapes from neighborhood exhibitionists and battles to find a balance between work and home commitments. they made us think. Why is it so difficult for women to feel on a par with men? Why, even today, are there differences in raising girls and boys? "

The book "How to raise rebellious girls & enlightened boys" has as its main objective to help parents educate their children (both boys and girls) with feminist principles, demonstrating with their experience, all the challenges, disparities and even difficulties of maintaining the "self-esteem in a male-dominated society and how this can generate disastrous consequences for both men and women. Among the main teachings of this book we can emphasize: respect for oneself and for others, consideration for the rules and courage to break them (when it is right to do so), empathy, self-esteem, independence and the ability to deal with failures.

Written in a light, fun and suitable for children (and adults too), the book "How to Raise Rebel Girls & Enlightened Children" is a must-read for all new parents who believe that dialogue and education are the basis for change in the world. It is a book that can make parents think too and helps in the challenge of building a "healthy family intimacy, where everyone can find themselves in a safe space of freedom and feel truly listened to.

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# 4 The feminist movement in Italy by Fiamma Lussana

The feminist movement in Italy, even if it was intense, was poorly documented. This is why the book "The feminist movement in Italy" by Fiamma Lussana is considered the Bible of the history of feminism, as well as being an excellent report on Italian women.

This book reconstructs the impact and achievements of the Italian feminist movement and its path through history, recomposing its participation in various historical moments of "post-economic boom Italy from the 1960s (after the war) to the 1980s and 1990s. when, after the dark season of the years of lead, feminism rethinks itself and acquires a solid meaning.

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# 5 Post pink. Feminist Comics Anthology

Several dramas and issues in women's lives are told in a funny and powerful way in this book edited by Elisabetta Seda. The volume contains several stories in comic version created by the main Italian artists such as Josephine Yole Signorelli of @fumettibrutti, Alice Socal, Silvia Rocchi and many others.It is a book created by women for women and is beautifully crafted, the perfect Sunday afternoon read.

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