The types of cabbage

Whichever variety you choose, cabbage is a vegetable rich in minerals (potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron) and vitamins (C, A, B9, E, K ...). It is a remineralizing, invigorating and energetic "all-rounder" at the same time, as long as it is eaten shortly after purchase and is not overcooked, to avoid losing its qualities. Its revitalizing and diuretic virtues are particularly appreciated in periods of "detoxification".

3 tips for preparation:
1) Wash the cabbage with water and vinegar to get the insects out.
2) To preserve the color of the cauliflower: throw it in boiling salted water mixed with vinegar for 2-5 minutes and then immediately in ice water to fix the chlorophyll.
3) Avoid the smell and make it easier to digest: add a piece of dry bread to the cooking water and a pinch of baking soda that will absorb the sulfur (responsible for the smell of cabbage) and fix the color.

Cabbage table

See also

Black cabbage: precious and tasty

Green cabbage or cauliflower

Identity card

Cauliflower, also called cimone, is one of the most popular cabbages. The edible part is constituted by the swelling of the floral peduncles which group together at the moment of ripening.
The best are firm and compact, with no brown or grayish spots.
Cauliflower can be white, creamy white, or purplish.

In the kitchen

It can be eaten steamed or sautéed, more rarely raw (better blanched for 5 minutes first).

What accompanies

It is a very versatile food, used to prepare first courses, as a side dish, puree, in soups, or preserved in oil or vinegar.


Identity card

The broccoli cabbage has a short stem and intense green inflorescences, its flowers are whitish, similar to those of cauliflower but much smaller. Branchy broccoli cabbage is similar to cauliflower, it differs in the blue-green color of its heads and small lateral shoots called broccoli.

In the kitchen

It is consumed after cooking, boiled or steamed.

What accompanies

Cheese, salmon and tuna, parmesan, tomatoes, almonds, white meat.

Brussels sprouts

Identity card

It seems that they originated in Italy, and only later were they brought to Belgium by the Romans. They contain a higher quantity of vitamin E than broccoli. They must be compact and hard, bright in color.

In the kitchen

They are eaten cooked, boiled or steamed.

What they accompany

They have a bitter aftertaste that not everyone likes: this characteristic makes them suitable for pairing with sweet foods such as chestnuts, chickpeas, fruit sauces.


Identity card

It is made up of smooth leaves grouped in a compact stump, of variable color (white, red, green, purple).

In the kitchen

The very crunchy leaves can be eaten raw or cooked.

What accompanies

The white cabbage is cooked and fermented to obtain sauerkraut.

Savoy cabbage

Identity card

It has green, wrinkled leaves that form a compact but less dense head than cabbage. Contains a rare active ingredient that protects the stomach walls from injury.

In the kitchen

It can be eaten raw, however, in most recipes, it is cooked.

What they accompany

It is used to prepare soups, soups and braised meat (see the Lombard caseeula)

Chinese cabbage

Identity card

It has an elongated stump and curly leaves of white or pale green color. , is used raw or cooked, sautéed together with other vegetables. We often find it inside the spring rolls served in Chinese restaurants.

In the kitchen

It is used raw or cooked, often stir-fried along with other vegetables.

What accompanies

We often find it inside spring rolls.

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