Do not anxiety and stress give you respite? Here are some secrets to not be overwhelmed

Do you continually slalom between anxiety and stress? You don't know how to master the hectic pace of life today and do you feel constantly under pressure? Don't worry, these are all fairly normal situations that can find an easy solution. Just follow some valuable tips to put into practice in your daily life. These are simple behavioral rules and good habits that will help you improve the quality of life and regain physical and inner well-being. Here they are below.

1. A varied and balanced diet

Proper nutrition is essential to take care of your health. In particular, the Mediterranean Diet represents a healthy and balanced dietary model; to ensure maximum benefits for our body, our diet should be rich in fiber and include at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables every day. It is also important to favor the consumption of polyunsaturated fats, which are found in fish and extra virgin olive oil.

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2. Drink lots of water

This is not new, but it is always good to remember: you should drink at least 7-8 glasses of water a day, regardless of the season and temperatures. A simple move that helps maintain the body's well-being, through adequate hydration.

3. A regular "physical activity

Sport is a real cure-all, not only for the body, but also for the mind. Physical activity makes it possible to produce substances, including serotonin, capable of regulating mood, reducing stress and acting on inner well-being. A great way to keep nervousness away and release built-up tension.

4. Get enough sleep per night

First fundamental rule: sleep at least 7 hours a night. Having a peaceful and regular rest is in fact the first step to face the day, as well as the main antidote to anxiety, stress and various nervousness.

5. Walk in the open air

Take advantage of beautiful days to take a peaceful walk in the middle of the green under the sun. In addition to doing some physical movement away from traffic lights and horns and finding a corner of peace in contact with nature, you will derive significant inner benefits. Sun exposure stimulates the production of vitamin D, which is important for bone metabolism. and muscles and for the maintenance of immune function.

6. Meditation

Different types of relaxation techniques, including meditation, yoga, pilates, are also a good remedy for anxiety and stress.

7. Read

Reading, anything, as long as it helps you to distract your mind from everyday life, and from its obligations and commitments, is another "healthy habit to put into practice to try to fight stress. When you can, devote yourself to reading a good book. a newspaper, an adventure story or a breathtaking thriller, anything that helps you slip into a timeless dimension, making you forget your everyday life for a while.

8. Do something you really love every now and then

Don't forget to carve out some time for your favorite hobbies: a shopping session, a chat with your best friends, jogging, sofa and TV complete with hot chocolate, in short: any activity or pastime that allows you to let off steam and recharge. Remember: it is not wasted time, on the contrary, it will help you face the days with greater energy and determination.

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Relax & take it easy: 16 tips to relax mind and body
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