How to explain to your children how babies are born in 7 simple steps!

"Mom, Dad, how are babies born?": This is one of the most feared questions by all parents! There always comes that moment, sooner or later, when a mother and father wonder how to explain to their children how babies are born. How to deal with the subject and offer him the necessary sexual education?

There are parents who talk about storks, cabbages, bees and flowers: is such an imaginative approach suitable or not to answer the right curiosities and questions of your child? Or would it be better to approach the issue in a more scientific way, for example by showing your children illustrated books?

Explaining how babies are born to your children can become a real nightmare, but it is very important to listen to the questions they ask you and give them realistic answers without showing them an attitude of shame or embarrassment: let them understand that they can trust you and your words, and that it is a subject they should not be afraid to address!

Below you will find 7 tips on how to deal with the question of how babies are born with your child in the best way. And since this curiosity often arises when a child sees his pregnant mother, here is a very useful video to prepare him for the arrival of his little brother:

1. Does your child want to know how babies are born? Listen to his questions carefully!

When your baby asks you the fateful question about how babies are born, the first thing to do is to show yourself ready to listen. The risk is to feel a strong embarrassment, but you will have to overcome it and pay close attention to what your baby is asking you.

The questions he can ask you are different and it is good to find out exactly what he is asking you, because maybe at that moment his curiosity is not about the sexual act itself. So try to investigate by asking him questions in turn. Ask him how he thinks he is. children are born and, based on the answer he gives you, you will understand if he has the maturity for a certain type of answer or if it is better not to go into too much anatomical detail yet.

Therefore, always make sure that you understand his question well and do not immediately launch into a speech that may still be too early for him.

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2. Find an answer suitable for her age!

The question "how are babies born" can be asked at different ages, each of which has a different approach and answer. Much also depends on the maturity of the child, and who better than a mother can know if their little one is ready to face the discussion in a more adult way or not?

If a three-year-old child asks how children are born, it will be good to give him a simple answer, without going into details that would only be confusing, but - at the same time - without inventing tales like those of the stork, which would only become counterproductive. He could be answered, for example, that children are born from mum and dad, that when the seeds that are inside the dad enter the mother's body, which has eggs inside it, it can happen that a seed enters an egg and from there the baby is born. Simple and realistic!

As the child grows, then, the penis and the vagina or other preferred terms to designate the sexual organs can be substituted for the seed and the egg. At school age it is necessary to become more specific, but always without losing clarity ! Sometimes it is enough to answer your children that children are born when a man and a woman mate in a certain way. If the child asks other questions, then you can explain the mechanisms, maybe - instead - for that moment that will be enough for him. just information Always remember, as per rule number 1, to listen to him, that yours becomes a real conversation and not a monologue!

3. Use simple words and be realistic!

As we have seen in the previous examples, clarity and simplicity are very important to address this thorny, but - at the same time - so beautiful and natural topic! Your baby will paradoxically feel more comfortable if you use scientific names to indicate the genitals without creating any taboos.

If the child comes to ask you this question it means that inside himself he is already imagining an answer and inventing fairy tales will lead him to not believe it and to prefer, perhaps, the version that a classmate has already given him ... Always be realistic then , use the right words from the beginning: "making love" is a grown-up thing, but that's exactly what it's called!

4. Make sure your baby is understanding!

While a mother or father explains to their children how a baby is born, it is always good that they make sure - from time to time - that the little ones are understanding. No one is infallible, and maybe we chose an approach that wasn't right for them or we sped up the times a bit or went too far in details that weren't necessary at the time ...

Always watch her reactions to what you say: if she tries to wriggle out, laughs embarrassed, or grimaces, that explanation is likely not suitable for her age or maturity. If, on the other hand, he nods, looks you in the eye and follows your speech, it means that you can continue like this!

5. Get Help!

To tackle this thorny topic with your child, you could use some "outside" help, such as a doll, for example, but only if made with the correct anatomical conformation.

The many books available on the subject can also be of great help, full of stories and drawings that are very useful to satisfy your child's curiosity in the best possible way. task.

6. Make sure that your sex education is also emotional

Also, don't forget to explain to your child that babies are born first of all from an act of love, that sexuality is the physical expression of a feeling. This is a very important concept for their sexual education: we must not underestimate the physical details, which must still be explained, but it is always good to make your children understand that sex must not be disconnected from an emotional and respect component. of the other person.

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7. Take your time!

Finally, don't be afraid to take your time: if your child's question has come at a time or in a context that is inappropriate or in which you could not have given it all the attention and calm that the topic deserves, it is always good to postpone the conversation until you are home together.

Do not dismiss it in a nutshell, in short, if it is not the right time to talk about these things: rather, refer to when you can learn more. And in the meantime, you too will have time to reflect on the best way to deal with the "speech", without feeling displaced or unprepared.

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