How to have more self-confidence

Because it is important?

Those who do not have confidence in themselves do nothing but underestimate themselves, not at all imagining that others can recognize their qualities. The lack of self-esteem prevents him from taking the initiative and coming forward. What's the point of trying if nobody believes in you? But a lot of opportunities are lost!

There are unsafe people who, to feel at ease, play a part and build an image of themselves that, in reality, does not belong to them. These people will have serious difficulties in finding their own way and living their life fully. Self-esteem, on the other hand, allows us to have confidence in ourselves, to think independently and to act with greater freedom, making relationships with others authentic and allowing us to feel fulfilled.

And how does it feel to be so beautiful? Always value your qualities and learn never to feel wrong because you are as unique as you are. Look at what some of alfemminile's friends replied!

See also

Quotes about self-esteem: the most beautiful quotes about self-confidence

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How to increase your self-esteem: 5 secrets to have more self-confidence

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How to recover?

If you don't trust yourself, you need to realize that you too have a personality. You must have clear ideas about what you really are: a unique person, with passions, a character, tastes ... Then, try to value your qualities, what you do best: your organizational skills , that of listening, your culinary talent ... For sure there is a field in which you feel more at ease! Do not hesitate, therefore, to make a list of your qualities in black and white, to really become aware of them.

You must also know how to free yourself from the judgments received during childhood or adolescence. Most often, the lack of self-esteem is caused by negative words or criticisms received during these important stages of the growth process.

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The 5 rules of self-esteem

1 - Acceptance
You must recognize the right to have opinions, thoughts, behaviors. And accept them, never denigrate or deny them. In everyday life, therefore, you have to make an effort to express your point of view in discussions, even if it goes against the position of others, and even if you imagine that it is not interesting. To get started, try doing it with a small audience, in the family, for example. Then, as you start to feel more comfortable, share your opinion with your friends. And finally, try to do it in the office, with colleagues and during meetings.

2 - The statement

Be authentic in your relationships, don't try to force reality to please others. Don't copy them, because everyone has their own way of expressing themselves. For example, try buying clothes that you really like, instead of always copying your super chic friend's look! Dare: tell your partner that you didn't love that movie at all that he liked so much.

3 - Set goals

Find daily challenges. To do this, you need to know your abilities and limitations, setting yourself achievable goals. Go slowly, gradually, progressively increasing the difficulty of your tests. Then look at the results to see what you need to change in yourself. Analyzing your mistakes allows you to understand where you went wrong, thus avoiding repeating them.

4 - Play it down

Repeat morning and evening: "I can do it", "I have the skills for this job" or "I'm the best" ... Positive thinking allows you to regain some confidence in yourself and stop seeing everything black. if you want this method to be effective, you have to really believe in your strength!

5 - Deal with situations you fear

Instead of avoiding situations that make you uncomfortable, you need to face them and move on. Do not lower your gaze when they look at you, if a stranger speaks to you, answer and relaunch the discussion ... The most important thing is to have new experiences in order to be able to face, a little at a time, the situations that distress you the most.

Special: No more complexes!

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