Libra ascendant Cancer: the characteristics of this sweet and emotional sign

While the horoscope tries to reveal our fate in terms of work, love and health, the studies of astrology try to explain the main characteristics of each of us. In particular, they focus on merits, defects, interests and affinities in the field of relationships, both of love and friendship. To get a more precise picture of our personality, we must not only take into account the zodiac sign in the house of the Sun of the birth chart, but also what is found as an ascendant.

Today we will discover in detail everything there is to know about the native Libra ascendant Cancer, individuals deeply linked to the family of origin and with a strong propensity for art.

The characteristics of the zodiac sign of Libra

All those born between 23 September and 22 October are of the sign of Libra. Together with Gemini and Aquarius, Libra is part of the zodiac signs of Air, a natural element that makes these natives inclined to artistic activities and endowed with a great imagination. In particular, Libra is directly affected by the influence of Venus, the planet symbol of beauty and measure.

Thus, people of this zodiac sign are very charming and diplomatic. They can't stand conflicts and contrast situations. They tend to mediate and act as peacemakers, acting as an intermediary to any quarrel. This is one of the main characteristics of their personality and explains their constant search for stability and balance, which affects every aspect of their life. Furthermore, Libras have a strong propensity for hedonism and aesthetic beauty. For this reason they are very inclined to the artistic field, which is also intense as a world of fashion and luxury.

There is no doubt that the natives of this zodiac sign are full of charm, but they do not exhibit any qualities. In fact, they are famous for their proverbial indecision and inconstancy. Beyond that, just like their "Air brothers" , Gemini and Aquarius, are fickle and tend to mood swings.

See also

Aries ascendant Cancer: the characteristics of this determined sign and senses

Taurus ascendant Cancer: the characteristics of this affectionate and sensitive sign

Leo with Cancer ascendant: here are all the characteristics

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Cancer as an ascendant

In astrology and horoscope calculation, the ascendant is that zodiac sign that was rising at the exact moment of birth.Cancer is the first of the three zodiac signs of Water, followed by Scorpio and Pisces. Even as an ascendant it retains many of its main characteristics, intended as both strengths and weaknesses. First, Cancer ascendants are sensitive, loving, and have a high level of empathy. They have an almost inexhaustible source of creativity and are gifted with great imagination.

The relationship of a Cancer ascendant with others can vary depending on his mood and degree of confidence. In fact, this native can be both sociable and outgoing with some people, while with others he tends to withdraw into his shell and be shy and introverted.

However, some defects typical of the sign remain. For example, a Cancer ascendant often turns out to be moody and susceptible. To his mood swings is added a certain amount of laziness which can be either accentuated or dampened by the sign in the main position of the birth chart.

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The personality of those born Libra ascendant Cancer

When Libra as the zodiac sign of the house of the Sun meets Cancer in the ascendant position, you have a complex personality that you have to discover little by little. In fact, the Libra ascendant Cancer are sensitive and affectionate individuals, viscerally linked to the family of origin and to the people they love most.These natives are distinguished by their altruism and availability towards others: for this reason they are considered excellent friends, always ready to help in situations of need.

They are naturally inclined to disciplines related to the world of art. Their creativity is revealed in the different phases of life, since childhood. It can become an integral part of their work, unless it is blocked by the insecurity that is typical of their personality.

In fact, Libra and Cancer in themselves do not tolerate situations of tension and stress and in this combination this characteristic is evident. A Cancer ascendant Libra shies away from any conflict and goes to great lengths to avoid it at their expense, even when it cannot be postponed. Also, when he doesn't feel stable, he gets overwhelmed by insecurities and gets stuck, even in the middle of an important project. There is a certain amount of laziness and moodiness.

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The affinities in love of the Cancer ascendant Libra

Love and couple life occupies a privileged place in the existence of a Libra ascendant Cancer person. In fact, both of these two signs are looking for great love and are interested in lasting affairs, not short one-night stands. We have already touched on how. these natives are linked to their family and all this explains why it is a priority for them to build their own.

In love they are among the most coveted partners. Their empathy makes them able to understand who they are next to at any time, making the partner feel loved and protected. Furthermore, the initial shyness of Libra ascendant Cancer envelops them in an aura of fascination that intrigues and conquers. The only difficulties may concern the dependence that these sling bars can develop towards the partner. Often, in order to make him happy, they support his every project. or request even when this goes against their preferences.

As the astrology and horoscope studies point out, there are always affinities in love more or less precise depending on the combination of the zodiac sign and ascendant. As for those born Libra ascending Cancer, they go very well with the signs. of Earth, especially Taurus and Capricorn. This is because both are able to give these sling bars the safety they need without, however, overriding them. On the contrary, the Virgin, with her preponderant rationality, could devalue their extreme sensitivity.

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Chances are good with the signs of Fire, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius as well. Above all Aries and Sagittarius manage to dissolve the initial shyness of the Libra ascendant Cancer and can form couples full of charm and passion. The only criticality could be dictated by the great impetuousness that sometimes the signs of Fire show and that could hurt the emotions of the sling bars.

Not only in love, but also in friendship there can also be affinities with the Water signs, especially with Scorpio. All this is explained by the propensity to the arts of these natives who marry well with the inspiration of the Libra ascendant Cancer. There are also points in common with Pisces, although the laziness and insecurity of both can play against them in a hypothetical life as a couple.

Finally, as regards the signs of Air, Libra binds a lot with Aquarius, thanks to the open mind and curiosity that distinguish them. However, we have said how these sling bars are inclined towards family life and building a serious relationship. This aspect conflicts with the freedom and independence inherent in both Aquarius and Gemini. Therefore, unless there is a particular ascendant, friendships are more likely than sentimental relationships.

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