Royal jelly: benefits and contraindications

The benefits of royal jelly are innumerable. This natural product, in fact, is a remedy against fatigue and more: it strengthens the immune system, helps prevent the onset of diseases, benefits even the hair and is also excellent for children, if you are careful about contraindications.

Fresh royal jelly is a real super-food that is found inside the cells intended for the queen bee and its appearance, similar to that of honey, has a semi-fluid consistency and a fragrant and acidic flavor. Let's find out together what royal jelly is like, how it is produced, where it is found, what its properties are and, above all, the benefits it brings and the contraindications. Meanwhile, here are other useful remedies against fatigue:

What royal jelly is and where it is, fresh or not

Royal jelly, as we have anticipated, is a natural product of animal origin. To produce it, in fact, are the so-called "nurse" bees (with an "age between the fifth and fourteenth day of life): it is a secretion that comes out from the glands placed on their head, yellow in color and with the typical sweet and sour taste.

In the first days the royal jelly is given to the larvae, while later it will be the exclusive prerogative of those who will become queen bees (hence the name of "royal"). Bees destined to be simple workers will be fed only honey and pollen.

Beekeepers will do nothing but collect a few grams of royal jelly at a time by manual scraping or by sucking: a very long and delicate process, which makes the rather high prices of the product understandable.

Once harvested, the royal jelly is filtered and cooled or freeze-dried. It can be found on sale fresh (and in this case it will be kept in the fridge), or in the form of capsules, vials or powders.

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The properties of royal jelly

If the benefits of royal jelly are so numerous it is all thanks to its nutritional properties. On average, in fact, royal jelly contains 60-70% of water, 12-15% of proteins, 10-16% of sugar, 3-6% of fats, 2-3% of vitamins and more salts and amino acids. in various quantities, including all eight essential ones for man.

The sugar content is similar to that of honey, with a prevalence of fructose over glucose. The fats are mostly similar to those contained in foods of animal and vegetable origin, while the mineral salts can boast a clear prevalence of potassium.

Among the vitamins, those of group B are present in very large quantities, including thiamin, biotin and folic acid. Royal jelly also contains acetylcholine, a very powerful antibacterial and antibiotic substance.

Benefits of royal jelly: from the action against fatigue to the anti-inflammatory power

The first of the benefits most commonly associated with the consumption of royal jelly is its action against fatigue. Royal jelly, in fact, is a real panacea in case you feel tired, exhausted or stressed. It has the ability to immediately restore energy, stimulating the appetite. It is no coincidence that it is often recommended during the change of seasons or during convalescence periods, when the body needs to strengthen itself, or if you are subjected to severe mental stress, like the approach of an important exam or competition.

Royal jelly also has the ability to strengthen the immune system. By giving energy to the body, it allows it to react more vigorously to seasonal ailments, or in case of suffering from a debilitating insomnia or chronic forms of fatigue: it helps our body to react to external attacks, keeping fit.

Among the other benefits of royal jelly c "is to play a protective role against the liver. It is recommended, in fact, in the case of detoxifying treatments because it has the ability to protect the liver functions and allow their regular functioning.

Its antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties are also useful in case you suffer from rheumatism, arthritis or if there is an infection in the body. It helps improve blood circulation, reducing blood vessel fatigue and thus carrying out a function of cardioprotector.

Royal jelly also leads to a significant drop in the so-called "bad cholesterol", thus helping to prevent problems such as atherioclerosis, heart attacks and strokes. Here are other super-foods that, like royal jelly, strengthen our immune defenses:

See also: Foods that strengthen the immune system: 10 super foods to face the winter

© iStock Foods that strengthen the immune system

Royal jelly against infertility and aging: here are all the benefits

Another benefit of royal jelly is to help prevent cancer. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capacity, in fact, allows it to prevent the formation of cancer cells. Furthermore, its bisphenol A content makes it particularly suitable in the fight against breast cancer.

The antioxidants of royal jelly, then, are also a panacea for preventing or delaying the signs of aging, helping the fight against free radicals that cause the formation of wrinkles.

Finally, even if it has not yet been scientifically proven, it seems that royal jelly can also be helpful in case of infertility: it would in fact stimulate sexual activity, helping the motility of male spermatozoa. If you are looking to have a child, you could propose it to your partner ... it doesn't hurt to try!

Royal jelly: the benefits for the hair

Royal jelly also has specific benefits for our hair. In fact, it has the ability to strengthen the hair, like a real tonic. How does he do it? Thanks to the high content of vitamins B, and in particular of pentothenic acid (vitamin B5).

This vitamin plays a very important role in regenerating the hair follicle, allowing hair to grow healthier and slowing its fall.

The Benefits of Royal Jelly for Babies: Is It Really Good?

Royal jelly can also be consumed by children, and is particularly recommended in case of inappetence, prolonged fatigue, anemia, irritated bowel or sleep problems. Attention, however, royal jelly must be specifically processed for children and of excellent quality, in order to avoid the risk of allergic reactions or that it may contain contamination.

It is advisable to give royal jelly to children in the early morning, even before breakfast, by letting them absorb it a little under the tongue before swallowing it. The recommended dose should not exceed 1000 mg per day, and it is always better to ask for a first. advice to your doctor.

Royal jelly: contraindications

Finally, we come to the contraindications of royal jelly. First of all, attention must be paid to side effects, and in particular to allergic reactions, which could be very serious and manifest themselves with asthma, swelling of the throat or even anaphylactic shock. There may also be forms of allergy to contact with the skin if placed directly on the scalp.

Royal jelly should also be avoided in case of pregnancy and breastfeeding, dermatitis, overt allergy or low blood pressure. Beware of interaction with other drugs: always ask your doctor for advice before taking it!

If you want more information on royal jelly, opt to visit the Humanitas website.

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