Wedding jokes: all the ways to amaze the newlyweds

It is obvious that the bride and groom are the real center of the party. But what if they were also the protagonists of a funny joke capable of giving the ceremony or party at the restaurant a moment of hilarity? Here you will find a list of nice, cheerful and not excessive jokes that will leave a good memory to the newlyweds and will make the guests laugh a lot. After all, we only get married once (or so we should hope!). With a little commitment and imagination, and perhaps with the support of other guests and bridesmaids, you will be able to transform the wedding ceremony into a truly special event. Start taking care of every detail from the dress to the restaurant, from wedding favors to sugared almonds ... to rice!

Why make a joke on the bride and groom?

In a self-respecting wedding, jokes on the spouses are practically a duty of the guests and friends. The bride and groom will have to play the game of course! Please note: this also applies to you! If you are the bride, get ready to receive all pranks with a smile on your wedding day! If, on the other hand, your friends are getting married, here are the most original and fun jokes to make their wedding celebrations unforgettable. With a little skill you will be able to come up with a really well thought out joke that will be talked about even after many years! To make a joke every moment is the right one, immediately after the ceremony means or even during! If the celebrations continue until late in the evening, the opportunities to have a lot of laughs will be numerous, including when the bride and groom leave (certainly the moment that friends absolutely prefer to make a joke). But one of the most coveted moments is also the opening of the buffet!

See also

Wedding phrases: the best wishes to dedicate to the newlyweds

Bachelorette party: ideas, jokes and games to amaze the future bride

Wedding etiquette: 10 rules for spouses and guests See also: The most beautiful wedding buffets to take inspiration from

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The banners of friends

This joke is truly a great classic. All the friends of the groom and the bride's friends, obviously as a joke, try to dissuade the betrothed from taking the big step by filling the path from their home to the church, to the town hall and even to the restaurant with banners bearing the words "Think again "Or" you still have time to say no "to prevent the ceremony from taking place. They will probably not have any effect in the sense that it is very difficult for the spouses to change their minds because of these unsolicited advice but they will certainly arouse the hilarity of the guests because after all it is just a game but with a little imagination it could be the main dish of the menu!

Love is a region

This joke usually concerns the groom who is forced by his friends to wander around all the tables in the restaurant with a prisoner ball attached to his foot, a sign that now for him freedom and fun are just a memory. This joke is also very popular and widespread among friends (and usually makes the bride laugh heartily too). If you play this joke, however, don't be too cruel and free the groom from the prison ball after an hour or two (otherwise goodbye to the wedding photo shoot!).

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The tree of happiness

This joke, on the other hand, is typical of northern Europe and Germany and more generally in mountain villages. Here, after the ceremony has just ended, friends ask the newlyweds to saw a tree trunk to obtain firewood. The hilarity is aroused by the elegantly dressed spouses who, after having been the center of attention, find themselves struggling with wood and saw. In reality this joke has a strong symbolic value, in the sense that it is a sort of post-ceremony initiation into real life that the spouses will face with the small and big difficulties that the spouses will have to overcome together.

From the head to the feet

A very funny joke involving the groom is to write HELP ME under the sole of his shoes, possibly without him noticing. This is one of the ideas with which you will make the guests sitting behind the groom's pew in the church go crazy with laughter because given the context they will have to do everything to refrain from laughing.

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The bride and groom's treasure

If as a gift for the couple you have made a collection of money to offer them as a gift, this joke is really for you. It consists in making the recovery of money very elaborate for the spouses by inventing them to participate in a game of skill. In fact, the banknotes will be inserted into a heavy ball of concrete: the two protagonists of the party will only have to arm themselves with a hammer and beat until they find the money (and they will certainly get a good sweat).

The photographic flash mob

This idea is original and fun and is usually one of the most popular for making a good joke on the bride and groom, so much so that it is the favorite of any ceremony. Here is the idea: the friends of the couple print masks with the face of the groom and the bride for all the guests. All friends at the restaurant will wear masks at the same time and the faces of the newlyweds will be the absolute protagonists of the event! Surprise effect for the newlyweds guaranteed!

The launch of the spouses

Don't you want to resist the temptation of seeing the bride and groom thrown into the air and brought to glory by all their friends? It will be a bit like being a sports champion or the leader of a musical band: the newlyweds are carried around the halls of the restaurant in triumph by friends to celebrate the uniqueness of this day: the newlyweds will be pleased, of course, they will have to trust. the carrying capacity of their friends!

A game in the restaurant

A game during a wedding is always a good idea to spend the time between one course and another on the menu. Here, too, there is only the embarrassment of choice, every game will certainly be suitable: miming titles, the game of karaoke and a quiz with more or less spicy questions to the spouses to test the understanding. There are so many ideas and you can test more than one, because at the restaurant there are often moments of waiting and a game is the perfect solution to liven up the atmosphere and avoid getting bored!

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Jokes to the newlyweds after the party at the restaurant

After the moment of the game and the most classic jokes ... the fun continues! Because perhaps you have not thought about it but you can (indeed, you must!) Continue to make fun of the spouses even when the party is over. You know the moment when he and she greet all the guests, leave the restaurant looking complicit and can't wait to dive into bed in their home? Imagine the scene: they are finally in the room and an alarm clock starts ringing, then another, another. Dozens of programmed alarms (and cleverly hidden in all corners of the house by all friends, of course, also under the bed) that ring wildly, preventing them from any kind of relaxation. How can it be a nice idea in the meantime that we celebrate hiding the keys to the house or car from the newlyweds: they will realize that they do not have their car keys or house keys with them right when they leave the restaurant!

Tags:  Actuality Old-Couple In Shape