Third season Wedding dress wanted

The eye of the camera takes us to the United States, to be precise in the heart of Manhattan, behind the windows of the largest wedding dress shop in the world, the Kleinfeld Bridal.
This is not an atelier like the others: you must in fact know that it follows the future bride in every phase of the long and stressful path that will lead her to the altar. So it goes from the choice of the most suitable model for the tests, up to the delivery.

It is inevitable for the impeccable clerks of Kleinfeld Bridal to come across problems of various kinds, which can also be triggered by relatives and friends who think they advise the bride well and instead create a sea of ​​troubles.

In short, they will surely see some good ones! A few examples? Tonight we will meet Stacey, looking for a gothic style dress and an "other girl who even wants one painted on her skin.

See also

Test: the perfect wedding dress for you based on your personality

How to choose the perfect wedding dress according to your shape

We remind you that you can see Real Time on: Free Terrestrial Digital Channel 31, Sky channels 126 and 127, Tivùsat Channel 31.


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