Tell me how old you are and I'll tell you when to have sex

Since when is there a "right" and a wrong time to have sex? Ever since Oxford University's Dr Kelley disclosed the reasons why every decade has its good times over the 24-hour span of giving your best under the sheets.

Regardless of how old you are and the time when you dedicate yourself to sex, for fabulous performances, watch this video with lots of useful tips ...

When to have sex if you are 20 years old

Twenty-year-olds certainly have a fairly stable libido over the course of 24 hours, especially young males and, if it were up to them, they would have sex at any time and in any place.
But according to Dr. Kelley's theories the best time of the day is in the early afternoon, between 3 pm and 4 pm. It seems that in this time slot the performances can be really at the top!

See also

Extreme sex

Oral sex: everything you need to know

Threesomes: tips and tricks on how to manage it

When to have sex if you are 30 years old

"The morning has" gold in its mouth. "It's not just a famous phrase from Stephen King's masterpiece, Shining, but also the mantra you must have if you are 30 and want to take advantage of the best time of day to have sex.
And there seems to be a very specific "hour, 8.20: this would be the best time for guaranteed orgasms if you are in your thirties. Why not give it a try and set the alarm a few minutes earlier? It might be worth it.

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When to have sex if you are 40

After dinner is the recommended time if you are 40 years old, around 22.30 in particular would be the most propitious time, perhaps after a not too abundant dinner that could make you fall into a premature sleep and take away the energy necessary for a crackling performance.
Yes then to a nice plate of pasta, maybe a little spicy, to a background music that warms the atmosphere and a glass of wine to melt you a little, but no more because it would be a disaster ...

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When to have sex if you are 50 years old

As for 40-year-olds, even for those over 50 the best time would be after dinner, but a little earlier, around 10pm. Do sleep and laziness overtake you? Hold on! A well done sexual intercourse also keeps a lot of diseases at bay: if not for libido, at least for health