The sperm

The seminal fluid

It comes from the secretions of the prostate and from the seminal vesicles. Containing nutrients useful to nourish the spermatozoa, it also serves to create a habitat favorable to their survival in the vagina, the internal heart is usually acidic.

The spermatozoa

They are produced by the testicles. To create an embryo, the male reproductive cells must fertilize the egg during penetration. Their concentration is about 200 million per ejaculation, but only a few hundred go from the cervix to the fallopian tube where the egg is located. , passing through the uterus.

The pre-seminal fluid

Minimal secretion that precedes ejaculation, the pre-seminal fluid is emitted by small glands (Cooper's glands) which secrete it into the urethra canal, under the influence of sexual desire. It has the role of eliminating traces of urine in the urethra and lubricating the glans. It may contain some spermatozoa, which is why it is necessary to put a condom on before it comes out.

Please note

The amount of semen released during ejaculation varies from 2 to 6 ml. It decreases in case of close ejaculations. In case of infertility, some tests can be used:

- the spermiogram studies the appearance, number and vitality of spermatozoa

- the spermocytogram focuses on their shape.

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