Do you want to leave him? Here's how to do it with class and sensitivity

Nothing is forever, or almost nothing. For the lucky few who "love you since I was 13 and happily ever after", for this slice of elect, this article is of little use. But for the whole great majority of the planet earth: love ends, and when you have to be the one to put an end to the relationship, it is better to avoid disasters. Not only for a matter of personal dignity and respect, but also because the karma turns and the next round may have a sad ending. So be careful, or you will find yourself reacting like her:

1. Time and place don't have to be random

No sms, no long messages on whatsapp, certainly no conversation on messenger. No social media for your breakup. Not even phone calls. Everything has to happen live. Place and times must be right. Avoid friends, birthdays, special occasions. Monday seems to be the favorite day, probably because every ending is a new beginning. The place? No restaurants, schools, offices or clubs. Everyone should have a space in which to express their emotions. Choose an intimate place.

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2. Maximum sincerity but also sensitivity

Nobody wants to be left, especially since they are investing in something while you are not anymore. That's why everyone loves to hear the truth when it's over. Of course with a modicum of decency: don't be too crude, especially if that person is no longer attractive enough for you, or if you have someone else. There is no need to be negative. Even if there have been some disagreements, use tact and sensitivity. You will be grateful that you were rational and restrained your story.

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3. Stay in control

If the one who is left behind starts to rave, you need to stay in control. You are triggering negative emotions, rejection, sadness and sorrow. Respect the emotions of those in front of you and stay in control. You are the rational and decisive part of the couple. You will not regret it, indeed, in the future he may be grateful to you.

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4. Respect the times of others

Sometimes there is no resignation at the end of a relationship. Be it short or long. What to do? Having the patience to repeat the same thing several times: firmly reaffirm a concept, which the other does not want to accept. Not only that, being tough at times, always tactfully, is very uncomfortable but it is the best thing if you love to someone with whom we have shared something important. Honesty, patience and respect for the times of others will make you hate-proof.

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Tags:  Marriage Parenthood Kitchen