The vulva: differences from the vagina and characteristics

We often think that the vagina and vulva are synonymous, ignoring the fact that they are two different anatomical structures. The truth is that the vagina cannot be observed with the naked eye and what we see is the vulva. If we separate the labia majora and labia minora we see the beginning of the vagina while the vulva is the outermost part, an object of desire and art.

What is the vulva?

The vulva includes all the external sexual organs, therefore the mount of Venus, the labia minora and labia majora, the clitoris, the vestibular glands, the urethral opening (where we urinate) and the beginning of the vagina. The clitoris, an organ of female pleasure, is located in the upper part of the vulva and is partially covered by the labia majora. We are talking about the main regulator of our pleasure, through the stimulation of which we can reach orgasm.

See also

The vagina: anatomy and function of the female genital organ

Asexual: what are the characteristics of a person who is now defined as such?

Differences between vulva and vagina

If the vulva represents the external part of the female genital organ, the vagina is instead an internal organ, among other things quite important, as it is the final part of the birth canal, the exit of menstruation and the place of penetration during sexual intercourse. The vulva can have different appearances: it can be hairy, shaved, wrinkled, fleshy, with the small or large lips longer, darker than one's skin color.

The vulva, like the vagina, is not static: it changes with the passage of time and the different situations of life. When a woman is aroused, the vagina is lubricated or wet, to facilitate penile entry. And, with an impending orgasm, the vulva becomes more red and tense. Most of the time the vagina is in a relaxed state, but almost always wet.

It is essential to maintain one good intimate hygiene, preferably with neutral soap (recommended by the gynecologist) to neutralize the natural PH, in order to avoid unnecessary itching and burning. Of course, there are those who devote a lot of time to the vagina and, in general, to their genital organs ...

Problems with the vulva

Being a very delicate organ, the vulva can be subject to various problems, from small discomfort such as redness, swelling following sexual intercourse; to problems such as itching or dryness or more persistent symptoms, such as those of vulvodynia, a chronic pain that affects the external part without any apparent cause. Some women with vulvodynia complain of problems such as burning, tingling, irritation and pain. It is good to consult a doctor in cases like these.

The vulva and masturbation

Being the guardian of the clitoris and the labia minora, organs of female pleasure, the vulva is extremely sensitive. During masturbation, as well as during sexual intercourse, even just a caress to the outermost part can increase the level of arousal. Furthermore, the vulva becomes moist with excitement, thanks to the liquids produced by the vagina.
In short, to achieve pleasure we can choose simple caresses, deep cuddles that increase arousal or stimulate the right points with the most suitable tools ...