Beta hCG values ​​in early pregnancy and during gestation: everything you need to know

Beta hCG values ​​are very important for any woman wishing to become pregnant: their level, in fact, is indicative of an interesting state. Not surprisingly, beta hCG is called the "pregnancy hormone", while its scientific name is "human chorionic gonadotropin".

At the beginning of a pregnancy, beta hCG values ​​will be present in our urine and this will give us the certainty of being pregnant: a normal pregnancy test will therefore suffice to detect the presence of beta hCG! There is, however, also the detection of the level of beta hCG by blood test: in this case we will be able to know if the beta hCG values ​​are high or low. To understand what these values ​​imply and when it is necessary to take a test, continue reading our article. You will also find out what the relationship between the beta values ​​and a pregnancy of twins is and you will be able to consult the table with the reference values ​​for each week of pregnancy.

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Beta hCG values: what they are and what they imply in early pregnancy and during pregnancy

What are beta values ​​and, more generally, beta hCG? Beta hCG is nothing more than a protein produced by the placenta during pregnancy and, specifically, from the moment the embryo enters the uterus, which happens a few days after conception.

Beta values ​​can be measured in the blood as early as one week or ten days after conception itself. If you test positive for beta values, it means you are pregnant - if negative, you are not.

There is no need, however, to do blood tests with beta hCG values ​​to find out if you are pregnant! A simple pregnancy test will be more than enough and you just need to wait a few more days. A normal do-it-yourself test -you will, in fact, be perfectly able to detect the presence of beta hCG in your urine.

The beta hCG values ​​tend to increase a lot at the beginning of pregnancy, and in particular in the first weeks, doubling about every two or three days on a regular basis: beta has in fact a fundamental role, that of maintaining the function of the corpus luteum. (the mass of cells that form the mature oocyte).

Beta hCG values ​​continue to increase throughout the first trimester, peaking around the tenth week after the last menstruation. From that point on, they begin to decrease, only to be undetectable a few weeks after delivery.

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When is it necessary to test for beta hCG values?

As already mentioned, testing for beta hCG values ​​is not necessary in most cases. To know if you are pregnant or not, a simple test is enough, while if you want to know how your pregnancy is going, it will be much more useful to do an "ultrasound".

Starting two weeks after the test (not before, please, to avoid false alarms!), In fact, it is recommended to undergo an "ultrasound scan to confirm the pregnancy itself and to date it exactly, which beta values ​​cannot Do.

When, on the other hand, is a test for beta hCG necessary? In the event that the first ultrasound has left doubts about the presumed pregnancy, or because nothing is seen or because there is something wrong (if, for example, there was an abortion or the pregnancy turns out to be extrauterine).

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Negative hCG beta: what does it mean?

If your beta hCG test result is negative, you are not pregnant. But be careful: if the test, as well as the pregnancy test, is done too early, it could be a false negative. In that case, the beta hCG values ​​did not have time to grow enough to become detectable! At that point, you should wait a few days and then repeat the test. If it continues to be negative and your period does not come, consult your gynecologist to understand the reasons for this abnormality.

Testing for beta hCG values ​​via urine may result in false negative not only if it is done too early, but also if an ectopic pregnancy is in progress, or if urine dilution is excessive or if you are taking menotropin-based drugs, carbamazepine or promethazine or, again, if the test is faulty or has not been used in the most correct way.

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Beta hCG and twin values

When they are expecting twins, beta hCG values ​​tend to rise much more. This is a fact, but alone it is not enough to be sure that you are having a twin pregnancy! Very high beta values, in fact, could be caused by many other factors and not only by the presence of more embryos in the uterus.

So don't rush to take beta tests and wait a couple of weeks after the missed period. At that point you can do an "ultrasound."

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Table of hCG beta values ​​for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or more weeks pregnant women

Below, in our table, you can get an "idea of ​​what the minimum and maximum beta values ​​are, week by week. Attention, however: always remember that the values ​​of your analyzes may vary from laboratory to laboratory, and it is therefore always good to consult them together with your doctor!

Beta-hCG: values ​​(mU / ml)

Week 1: 12-77
Week 2: 45-1175
Week 3: 330-10200
Week 4: 2160 - 82640
Week 5: 6225 - 181075
Week 6: 15600-184000
Week 7: 15125-199500
Week 8: 24400-221400
Week 9: 22075-227000
Week 10: 21500-188925
Week 11: 18525-182550
Week 12: 24650-175775

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High or low beta hCG values: what does this mean?

If the beta hCG values ​​are low compared to the standard levels, with your doctor it will be the case to check whether there was a miscarriage, or that it is not an ectopic pregnancy (in case the beta values ​​do not rise) .

If, on the other hand, the beta values ​​are high, but the gestational chamber is not yet visible on ultrasound, it could be an ectopic pregnancy. Very high values ​​can also be symptomatic of placental abnormalities.

Finally, if your beta hCG values ​​are high, but no pregnancy has been ascertained, it will be good to exclude pathologies such as ovarian cysts or interaction with certain drugs.

For further information and scientific insights on beta values, you can consult the website of the Italian Diagnostic Center.

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