Valeria Marini insulted to Big Brother Vip: enough with the criticisms on the physical aspect!

National Valeriona returns to the most spied house in Italy to clarify the disagreements between her and Rita Rusic with whom she has an ex-husband in common: the film producer Vittorio Cecchi Gori.
Over the years Rita, the first wife, has launched terrible accusations against Valeria Marini, pointing to her as the evil stepmother who wanted to keep her husband away from children and much more.
That's why the king of Italian gossip, Alfonso Signorini, has seen fit to invite her to the house of Big Brother Vip and resolve the matter between the two showgirls once and for all.

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The offenses of the competitors of the GF

Once Valeria Marini's intervention was over, the other competitors of the house appealed to her in every way, to support her partner Rita Rusic (who asked her if she had gained weight in an attempt to injure her): from ce * so to prosciuttona , from monster to ridiculous idiot, the tenants did not spare themselves in making dubious inferences about Valeria.
First in line, Antonella Elia who never misses the opportunity to make harsh criticisms of other women (usually more famous than her) gave her some "prosciuttona".
Immediately after Antonio Zequila who first gives her the c * x but after a minute he claims to have gone to bed.
Even Barbara Alberti, who should be the most "elegant" of the group, defined Valeria Marini "such a monster" and also "a" ridiculous idiot ".
But the Marini, as it usually does, passes over it with great elegance.
We can't say the same about showgirl fans and other show business characters who have stood up for her.
According to the colleagues of the showbiz including Simona Ventura and Cristiano Malgioglio, it is unacceptable to address a person using certain terms, trying to hurt a woman by criticizing her physical appearance and making her pass for a bad one.

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Valeria is not there and goes back to the house, this time as a competitor and not even after a minute reproaches all her newly found roommates for having set a bad example, given that when you are on television, what you say reaches millions of people.
And to get the message across in 2020 that it is perfectly normal to rail and hate a woman because she is too redone and shows herself too much, is terrifying.
Obviously Valeria Marini was not in the least supported by the conductor Alfonso Signorini, who certainly never shone for elegance and correctness, indeed! He loves pitting competitors against each other, in order to increase the share.
But it is absolutely toxic to overlook certain attitudes in prime time, during a program followed by so many people. We always remember that this unmotivated rivalry between women makes men like Zequila feel entitled to tell the four winds which women they have been in bed with (true or false). Valeria Marini has been, for 30 years, one of the most loved women by the Italian public unlike many meteors that have given her. She is an independent woman who shines with her own light and gets busy, but above all she never speaks ill of anyone.

All the loves of Valeria Marini

Valeria and Vittorio