Sun Tattoo: the new trend of the summer is the solar tattoo that is popular on social networks

Experts and dermatologists have already turned their noses up, but we know that fashions cannot be controlled and not all emerging trends are attentive to the dictates of health and common sense.

We are talking about the Sun Tattoo or Sun Burn Art, the new summer trend that allows you to make temporary tattoos using the sun's rays and the action of melanin. The idea came overseas from a simple "accident"; everyone has happened to have the sign of a watch or a bracelet after a day at the beach ... why not turn it into a real tattoo?

In practice, only the portion of the skin in the shape of the tattoo that you want to create is protected (with high SPF sunscreens) (or an object of the desired shape is placed on the body), while for the rest of the body you are exposed without protection, or with a much lower protection, to obtain a detachment of color and the desired tattoo directly on the skin.

The result?

Here are some examples taken from Instagram (just enter the hashtag #SunBurnArt to find hundreds of them) where this fashion is spreading and virally infecting young people from all over the planet.

© Instagram user juliewinther16

If you want to try it too, we only recommend that you do not overdo it because the risk of getting burned, irritated or seeing rashes appear is high and could put your health at risk ... and your holiday!

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