Toxoplasmosis: Symptoms in Pregnancy and the Risks to the Baby

Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by a meat parasite. To spread, the parasite needs to be "transported" and animals, especially cats, are often carriers. For humans, toxoplasmosis is a harmless disease and its symptoms generally go unnoticed but during pregnancy it can have serious consequences on the fetus. How is it contracted, what are the symptoms and what are the treatments for toxoplasmosis in pregnancy?

How is it contracted?

Toxoplasmosis can be contracted by eating raw or rare meat (especially sheep meat), consuming poorly washed and unpeeled fruits and vegetables, or through a pet, such as a cat or dog. The toxoplasmosis parasite can alter the development of the fetus, especially during pregnancy and having an adequate and controlled diet, free from raw foods.

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Toxoplasmosis: symptoms and risks for the baby

If toxoplasmosis is transmitted from a mother to the fetus, there are no consequences for the mother, but the fetus, especially if infected during the first trimester, can run into various problems and malformations to the nervous system, with damage especially to vision and brain. . There are several other symptoms, such as swollen glands, jaundice, a skull that is too small or too large, anemia, an enlarged liver or spleen, fever. Often babies born with premature or underweight birth are tested for the presence of infection.

Feeding during pregnancy to prevent disease

In this video, the nutritionist Giorgio Mazzola gives some advice on what to eat when pregnant. To prevent some ailments, such as hypertension or toxoplasmosis, it is necessary to eat in a healthy and balanced way, avoiding raw foods or excess sodium and sugars. Furthermore, it is always important to carry out even a simple physical activity, such as walking a lot.

The blood test to detect toxoplasmosis

The toxo-test, carried out during the blood test, allows to identify the antibodies developed from a previous contact with toxoplasmosis and to know if the patient's immune system is prepared to face a further attack. During pregnancy, the toxo-test is mandatory and is renewed every month if it turns out that the woman has never contracted the disease. If, on the other hand, the pregnant woman is positive, she will be prescribed adequate treatment and the fetus will be monitored to look for any malformations. There are no vaccines against toxoplasmosis. The best solution therefore remains prevention. The risk of fetal malformations exists (ocular, cerebral, visceral malformations ...) but fortunately today it is very low, thanks to the frequency of toxo-tests during pregnancy.

The precautions to be taken in pregnancy

To avoid the risk of contagion, it is necessary to have proper daily hygiene. Wash your hands as often as possible, especially if you touch the earth, and garden using gloves. Avoid touching raw meat and only eat well-cooked meat. If you have a cat or dog, be very careful not to come into contact with their droppings when you change the sand.

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