Personality test: how much do you like yourself?

Enjoying yourself is an important thing. Being too narcissistic can be risky, but not being too narcissistic still creates significant damage and can be painful. If the right is in the middle, surely accepting and liking oneself is an "excellent push to feel good. In this sense, taking care of yourself plays a fundamental role. Watch the video and find out how to take care of yourself:

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Amati: Little Feminine Guide to Great Self-Esteem by Marianna Cimmino - is available on Amazon in ebook and printed form

Personality test: how much do you like yourself?

To like oneself means to like oneself in toto. It means knowing, accepting and recognizing one's defects: either we work to modify them, or we understand that they are an added value to our person. In any case, it is inevitable to start from the concept that no one is perfect. So how much do you like yourself? Take our test and find out now:

What is that thing a man should absolutely never tell you (if he wants to keep having you in his life)? Find out with our test!

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