Meaning of colors: symbology and properties on the mind

Some studies carried out in the field of psychology have shown how different meanings are hidden behind colors and how they affect the mind of a person who "comes into contact". Furthermore, preferring one color over another reveals certain characteristics that distinguish our personalities, highlighting certain character aspects.For chromotherapy, however, each color would have a beneficial effect in the treatment of certain diseases or pains of the body.

All of this demonstrates how colors affect our life, in a significant way. However, for the "armocromia", only some of them can be our "friends" ...

The meaning of red

Red has always been associated with more than one meaning. It is both the color of true love and that of the most carnal passion or of the most impulsive emotions and feelings, such as anger and shame. In general, it is associated with many concrete elements, such as blood - the source of life - and fire, which once again refers to vital impulses. Red is a dynamic shade, often recommended for work environments that aim at creativity and the continuous stimulus for new ideas. In the field of marketing, it is used to attract the attention of users to a product or website.

In psychology it has been noted that this color is the favorite of particularly active, sociable and enterprising people. Those who love red are not afraid of the goals they want to achieve, despite the difficulties. In some situations, he can be guilty of presumption and arrogance.

See also

Yellow color: meaning and properties on the mind

Red color: meaning and properties on the mind

Purple color: symbolism, meaning and effects on the mind

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The meaning of yellow

Like red, this color also refers to positivity, but with some differences. In fact, the energy that distinguishes red lovers tends to be more stable, while that of yellow is momentary. This can also be seen in the symbology normally associated with this color. Yellow is the hue of the sun, light and " summer, which tend to appear "in flashes" throughout the day or year. In general, it is the tone of youth and lightness and for this reason it is able to act very positively on the mind, instilling an "instant happiness".

In psychology, moreover, it is linked to change. Thus, yellow is the favorite color of those who have an open, sunny disposition and are not afraid of changes.He faces challenges with joy and with a positive and optimistic soul, for this reason, at times, he can risk having too much confidence in his own abilities and trivializing introspection.

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The meaning of blue

This color is famous for being the shade of calm and serenity. It is associated with various natural elements, such as water and air - given the reflection of the light beam perceptible to the naked eye. In psychology, blue can have relaxing and soothing effects on the mind, helping anyone surrounded by it to find their inner peace and balance. Furthermore, this color favors meditation, removing the tensions accumulated during the day. For this reason, those who work in the world of marketing choose this shade for a product or a website that evokes relaxation, sleep or simply relaxation. .

Those who love blue are therefore essentially calm and peaceful. He has very deep feelings, which don't always emerge easily. Finally, it prefers environments where serenity and tranquility reign, and so also people who are not particularly noisy.

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The meaning of green

Green is balanced between warm and cold colors. It is associated with everything that recalls nature, from grass to spring leaves and most of the vegetables and luxuriant plants. On an abstract level, this color has always indicated fertility, renewal and, consequently, also hope, but sometimes , is linked to negative feelings, such as jealousy and envy.

It has been noted in psychology that green has positive effects in the treatment of anxiety and depression. Therefore, it is perfect for its calming and relaxing properties that recall contact with nature. Those who love this color tend to be a balanced person, who tries to create a barrier between themselves and the outside world, but also proud, because they can sometimes exceed the consideration they have of themselves.

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The meaning of purple

It comes from the encounter between red, a strong and "aggressive" shade par excellence, and blue, a symbol, instead of calm. Purple owes its meanings from this union. Essentially, this color concerns the whole sphere of individuality, of magic and the occult. For this reason it is often also associated with mystery, spirituality and fantasy, being favored by children and adolescents who are passionate about fantasy imagery.

Lovers of purple are kind people, often shy, and who leave more room for their emotions rather than rationality. They tend to try hard to please those around them. In psychology, this color has both a calming and self-esteem effect.

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The meaning of pink

Symbol of love and of the feminine sphere for several years now, pink is considered the color of the great love stories, both romantic and passionate, and of the innocence of childhood. Unlike red, it recalls pure and controlled emotions and feelings, such as "maternal affection and tenderness. Furthermore, there are those who consider it the tone of forgiveness."

Pink manages to put anyone surrounded by it at ease, giving rise to relaxing environments but without the risk of melancholy sometimes aroused by blue. Therefore, this color is chosen to promote cohesion and aggregation between people who do not know each other, as well as exploiting its properties for those suffering from loneliness.

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The meaning of orange

Over the years, orange has taken on more than one meaning. It has now become the color of serenity, given the combination of red and yellow. Moreover, it is also the symbol of vitality and sensuality. At the marketing level it is used to induce the purchase, especially in its more subtle shades so as not to be particularly invasive.

In psychology, orange is one of the colors that lends itself best to helping people find the energy they need. Those who consider it their favorite color turn out to be particularly sociable and open to others, but with difficulty in expressing their feelings and emotions in public. In general, however, he is an optimistic and confident person.

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The meaning of black

Of all the colors, black has long been the one that represents the negation and the conclusion, be it of a phase or of life itself. In this way, it is believed to be the color of death and loss, because it traps all other shades of the spectrum within itself. To these gloomy meanings, however, other far more positive ones have been added. In the world of fashion, in fact, black is the color par excellence of elegance and refinement.

In psychology, this color can be associated with resolve and struggle, but it is normally considered a symbol of pessimism and aggression. Those who prefer black have little hope in the future and tend to withdraw into themselves. This attitude, however, can lead to sudden outbursts of anger.

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The meaning of gray

Result of the "union between black and white, gray is considered a" middle way ", not always in a positive way. This color represents detachment, neutrality, prudence and even boredom. Only thanks to its darker shades it can represent emotions ranging from resentment to hatred and rebellion.

Due to its often negative connotations, gray is not used in the various treatments that exploit the benefits of colors. In fact, from a psychological point of view, it can trigger a sense of stalemate and immobility in a person, without any decision-making stimulus. Similarly, those who prefer gray turn out to be an indecisive individual, little inclined to change and responsibility.

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The meaning of white

White includes all the colors of the light spectrum. For this reason, unlike black, it is not to be considered as an "absence of color, but as the triumph of" it. This color means the possibility of a new beginning, of change and trust in others or purity and innocence, so much so that it is the symbolic shade of many cultures and religions.

Those surrounded by a white environment usually experience feelings of serenity and peace, which, however, also favor concentration unlike other colors. Lovers of white are people with a vivid imagination, who willingly accept the changes and novelties of life.