Luxury shopping? 7% are online

And before proceeding with their purchases, luxury goods shopaholics inquire a lot, where? On the web of course. The most used devices are PCs (64%) followed by tablets (35%) and smartphones (34%).

If in emerging countries such as China, Brazil and Russia, the most expensive items are mainly purchased by young women, who have a particular interest in fashion accessories and trendy garments, in mature markets, such as Italy, the products of high-end products are purchased in equal measure by men and women who do not allow themselves to be influenced only by the fashions of the moment, but base their choices mainly on the traditional values ​​of the products.

In particular, here is the identikit of Italian buyers of luxury goods:
- More than 50% of those who buy luxury goods are between the ages of 30 and 50;
- 89% are employed;
- 71% declare that they have a self-made financial situation and 13% do not consider themselves particularly wealthy. Only 16% declare that they can rely on an inheritance;
- 75% own a smartphone, 61% a tablet and almost all have a laptop, PC or tablet.

See also:

See also On New Year's Eve, luxury champagne