What women don't say explained on 15 funny GIFs

We women, when we are faced with an uncomfortable situation, we can slip away by telling some small and harmless lie. Whether it's our boyfriend or our best friend, here are 15 lies every girl has told at least once.

1. "The size? It depends on the model ..."

We actually know our size very well, but we will never, ever admit it. Especially in front of our bitter enemy or the unpleasant order.

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2. "For lunch just a" quick salad "

Isn't salad synonymous with pizza ?! Oh no?

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3. "I joined the gym"

It does not mean that I entered it later.

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4. "How many boys have I slept with?"

Three, maybe four. Maybe five, but I don't remember well. Let's do three come on!

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5. "I haven't been shopping for a long time."

The bag I bought yesterday doesn't count, it was on sale at 20%

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6. "Five minutes and I'm there"

Five minutes for my personal time zone, it's not my fault we don't have synchronized clocks.

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7. "I didn't say anything"

The girls talk, but no one has ever said anything. Magic.

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8. "Let's watch what you prefer on TV"

Instead, you'd like to see the worst trashy TV shows or those heart-wrenching shows where families meet again after years. Do you really like them?

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9. "No, imagine. Go ahead and go to that" bachelor party "

And as you say that sentence, you can already see hordes of half-naked dancers dancing and rubbing on your boyfriend. A deep breath ...

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10. "Shall we go out? Sure!"

Every now and then you'd like to sit in your bathrobe, hugging a chocolate stick, while watching a tear-jerking movie.

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11. "It really fits you!"

Sometimes you almost feel like you have to pay some compliments. It doesn't matter if your colleague's bangs are too short or if your friend's new shoes are awful. Smile and everything will be fine.

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12. "Angry? No, you're wrong"

Dear men, do we still have to teach you? If we look angry, we are!

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13. "In front of him, never!

We are human and we also need the bathroom. Why keep hiding?

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14. "Really, I'm not jealous"

Do you still believe it?

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15. "I ate nothing today"

By nothing I mean a lasagna, 4 biscuits, 10 rice cakes and other things I don't remember.

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