Your couple is only truly happy if you do these things before bedtime

In our daily routine full of stress and subject to pounding rhythms, between work, children, bills, gym etc., it is very important to learn to carve out moments of solitude with your partner. Moments of sharing and rediscovering intimacy, which should not be underestimated.
Let's find out at least 5 things that, if you do before bedtime, show that your couple works well.
First look here how one should think about building a solid love:

1. Can you tell yourself "I love you"

It doesn't have to be the poem recited from memory, but a moment of concentration on your feelings. Declaring love by estranging oneself from the past day, or removing the bad thoughts of the next one for a moment, helps both you and him to find you, accept you, value you, love you. A kiss before falling asleep with a kind word is always something that unites.

See also

Sleeping embraced: the benefits and positions of a happy couple

Sleeping together: the reasons why it is good for the couple

Pause for reflection: does it really help a couple in crisis? Loading ...


2. Talk without arguing

Avoid arguments and postpone them to the morning by disconnecting the plug before going to bed. There is no need to face controversy and dissatisfaction with the frustrations of the day. What takes you away must stay out of the sheets, that is your protected island. There is time in the morning for misunderstandings.

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3. Disconnect the connections to the outside

Goodbye cell phone, Ipad, Ipod, and so on and so forth. Disconnecting the connection will make you stay where you are. Sometimes with cell phones in hand, we are in the same place together but being alone. Deciding not to bring the connection, and therefore everyone else, to bed with your partner is certainly proof that you care about your intimacy, that you protect it.

4. Go to bed at the same time

Already the days separate you, deciding not to share even the moment when you go to sleep would be deciding to totally lead two separate lives. Instead, choose to sleep together and stay close to each other. Helps to strengthen harmony and bond.

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5. Chat about your day

Listening to each other, without finding solutions to capital problems, but only paying attention to the partner. 15-30 minutes of sharing feelings, stress, thoughts and daily stories. Otherwise what else should the relationship be based on?

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And if you really can't sleep, here are some tips to better consolidate the relationship