10 signs that he's the one and you don't have to miss him!

Sometimes understanding if the man we are dating is the right one is not easy. Men too have learned to pretend and sometimes they can do it even better than us! How to be sure not to waste time with the wrong ones and not to miss the right one instead?

Pay attention to these 10 small but unmistakable signs!

See also

True love: the signs to recognize it

Couple crisis: causes, signs and how to overcome it

Toxic relationships: the signs to recognize them and how to say enough

1- When he looks at you, he looks at you

In the sense that it digs into you. Eye contact is very important and you immediately understand when a person looks at you but thinks of something else and when instead he looks at you to catch a pinch of your soul, to perceive your true being and to create a deep connection.

2 - He is kind, but not submissive

Neither rude and braggart nor doormat and weak. The right man knows how to measure out strength and sweetness, he knows when to be an upright fighter and when to let go and take off his armor.

3 - He is ambitious, but patient

It's nice to have an ambitious person at your side, who knows what he wants and who is determined to pursue his goals. But it is even more beautiful if it knows how to reap the fruits of its success in due time, without rushing, without rushing ahead. This is true for work, but also for a love relationship.

4 - Keeps promises

Because there is nothing worse than promising the moon and then disappointing expectations. Better if he is a romantic dreamer, but he does not lose sight of the reality and the concrete feasibility of what he proposes to you.

5 - He knows - and likes - to cook

Let's be honest: a man who knows his way around the kitchen not only scores 100 points, but he's also damn sexy! And, what's more, it relieves us from having to prepare lunch, dinner, breakfast, snacks ...

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6 - It's sporty

But not fixed. The fact that your he cares about staying active and fit is very positive. Both because it means that he takes care of himself, and because being active also prolongs his sexual life and, considering that that of men tends to end before that of women, it is a "good premise!

7 - He knows how to make you laugh

If you're in a relationship with a man who can't make you laugh, break it right now! Laughing is the spice of life, it makes you feel good and relieve tension.

8 - "I love you" are not just words

It is nice to hear it, we do not question it, but if the words do not correspond to the facts it becomes frustrating and mortifying. Better a man who tells you little but shows it to you in every little attention and behavior.

9 - Knows when to end a discussion

Couples argue, that's normal. But sooner or later one of the two has to give up otherwise the couple bursts and the faces lengthen for days and days. Better a man who, once he has understood that he will not have won it, knows how to put pride aside in order to maintain peace and harmony.

10 - Without you he is lost

Your connection is so strong and indestructible that when you are apart you feel like you are incomplete, missing somewhere. Only together do you feel really good.

See also:
10 clues that prove you're dating a child (and not a man)
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