Sanna Marin: the youngest premier in the world is Finnish

There are countries where (fortunately) there are no differences between men and women. In everyday life as well as in politics.
One such country is Finland where, after the resignation of the prime minister Antti Juhani Rinne, the Social Democrats, a ruling coalition made up of five parties, all led by women, has chosen a millennial as its leader: the young Sanna Marin, 34 (making her the youngest prime minister in history) and raised by two mothers. A young woman raised in a rainbow family, science fiction in a country like ours, where there are still those who wage war on LGBT rights and the percentage of women in politics is still too far from reaching 50%.
The only Italian politician to show his support for the new Finnish prime minister is the leader of the Democratic Party Nicola Zingaretti:

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