Having sex is good, having more than others is better!

Happiness and pleasure in relation to one's sex life, Wadsworth argues, can increase or decrease depending on how individuals perceive themselves to compare with their peers.

The correlation between happiness and high sex frequency is constant in all people, but those who believe they have a less satisfying sex life in terms of frequency than their peers are less happy than those who believe they have a sex life like that of others. , or better.

How much sex to have, then, to be at the top of happiness? An objective measure does not exist, according to this study the important thing is that the sex we have is, however, more than what we think others do.

See also

Extreme sex

Is masturbating good or bad? Time to clarify and let yourself go

The erogenous zones: discovering the pleasure of women and men

See also:

    • Gender: size matters
    • The love games
    • Less money, more viagra!
    • Kamasutra: Love Machine

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