Regina: "Royal baby be born quickly"

Queen Elizabeth has expressed a desire to get to know William and Kate's future son quickly, especially since she would like to go on vacation. A funny and funny statement considering that he is the ruler of England but that translates a generalized state of mind as the whole nation, and the whole world, have been holding their breath for days for the imminent birth.

To a 10-year-old girl who asked the sovereign for preference on the sex of the future heir of England, William's grandmother replied: "It doesn't matter. But I would like it to be born quickly, because I want to go on vacation ".

The birth of the Duchess of Cambridge was in fact scheduled for July 13, and then for the following days, but a very recent statement from Kate Middleton's mother has once again displaced everyone. In fact, Carole would have revealed that the future grandson would be of the sign of Leo, postponing the possible date of birth for at least one "other week.

See all the photos of Kate with the baby bump

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Queen Elizabeth II