Quarantine in pairs: how to deal with it without crisis

If you live together, your life has turned into a very long Sunday without end at the home of the Coronavirus lockdown.
Until a few weeks ago, you were convinced that the secret to the success of your relationship was the perfect balance between love life and your individual routine. Now, however, you find yourself sharing the whole day, even the hours dedicated to work. Challenging, right?

If, on the other hand, you are stuck in a long-distance relationship (even a few kilometers), here are some tips:

Quarantine in pairs: how to avoid quarrels

Love is not beautiful if it is not a quarrelsays the wise man. Sometimes it is normal (and liberating) that there is a couple quarrel. If you have to spend the whole day together, then the opportunities are wasted.
Maybe he doesn't wear headphones during video calls or is uncooperative in housekeeping and this is enough to make you nervous.
If you both work it is good to keep the same rhythms of the office, respect the common spaces and keep the tones low and possibly put on a headset. Remember that you both work and you are entitled to the same amount of respect. One job is no more important than the other. .
Similarly, if one of the two is at home doing nothing while the other works, it is right that he contributes more to the housework. In addition to optimizing the times, the other half will feel pampered and this is a real antidote against. discontent.
Also remember that you don't have to do everything together and that if one night each of you wants to watch your favorite show, you don't have to sit on the couch to be bothered by football matches or soap operas.
Walking the dog, doing yoga, shopping are moments of escape and it is right, if you prefer, to live them in solitude with your own thoughts and rhythms.

In short, in the absence of space, cut it out! If in this particular historical moment communication and sharing are redundant, probably the key lies in decreasing the activities previously intended for the couple and rediscovering how precious it is to have time for oneself.

See also

Couple crisis: causes, signs and how to overcome it

Pause for reflection: does it really help a couple in crisis?

Midlife crisis: what the transition between youth and old age implies

The positive sides of forced coexistence

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Think of all the times that everyday life has intruded on your relationship.
A bad day at work, the delayed train that made you skip your restaurant reservations and holidays, when they go well and you wish they would never end.
Take advantage of this time to be grateful for what you have.After all, there are two of you, you are safe and sound at home and this is certainly no small thing. Take advantage of these unusual days off to rediscover what unites you, to cook together, to play, discover a new TV series that you are passionate about, to listen to your songs but also (and above all) to make love a little more often. This quarantine must be exploited in the best way, no