Can parsley be consumed while pregnant or is there any risk?

There are plenty of foods to watch out for during the 9 months of gestation, but for some foods there seems to be a bit of confusion: some say that it is possible to eat them without harming the baby and others are against their intake. Who to listen to? Always talk to the doctor and do not be frightened by popular beliefs; to be sure, check the video which are absolutely to avoid during pregnancy.

Parsley and the delicate period of pregnancy

In online forums and in discussions between mothers, we discuss the most disparate topics, especially when we are in the first weeks of pregnancy, but not always what you find is the most correct answer. Keep an eye on the sources and in case of strong doubt always ask your gynecologist or general practitioner for an opinion, who will be able to advise you in the best possible way.
If you are expecting a baby you are already subjected to strong emotional stress, and disinformation anxiety is not the friend of a peaceful pregnancy.

Today we try to remove a doubt about the consumption of an "aromatic herb during pregnancy, widely used in our kitchens and restaurants: parsley.
There are many opinions on the "intake of parsley during the gestation period: on the net you can find terms such as abortive parsley, toxic cooked parsley in pregnancy and poisonous parsley, let's say not really reassuring as concepts ... a grain of truth c "is or are they all rumors? Is parsley really dangerous in pregnancy? Does it cause particular problems for the mother or the fetus?
Like so many notions about the 9 months of waiting there is something true, but it is always better to check on authoritative pages. Parsley actually hurts during pregnancy and could be abortive only if the quantities ingested are massive. We are not talking about a sprinkling of a little abundant on pasta with clams, because the standard quantity used in the normal diet is not sufficient to have significant contraindications.

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The effects of parsley in pregnancy

When you are expecting a baby you need to be careful to wash the parsley very well, but this is an operation that should be done for all vegetables. In addition, the quantities must never be excessive, but it hardly happens when preparing homemade dishes. If eating parsley in gestation is not a problem because there are several rumors about its danger?
It is probably a legacy that dates back many years ago, when women resorted to do-it-yourself remedies to be able to abort: parsley was the main ingredient of many concoctions, specially prepared in the form of decoctions (the fresh version of parsley is not had the same effect).

Obviously today this practice has fallen into disuse, but there is a grain of truth in these stories; parsley contains a substance called myrosticin, which if given abundantly to pregnant women can cause uterine contractions. However, these are such high doses as to be practically impossible to consume with the fresh product. Another issue is parsley oil which unfortunately has been shown to be able to trigger strong contractions and even lead to abortion; the scientific community recommends pregnant women not to use it to season foods, precisely because of its potentially dangerous effects.

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Properties and benefits of parsley

Alarmism is banned! Parsley in daily use is good in pregnancy (even if it is at risk) and does not harm either the baby or the mother's health. The quantities of myrosticin and apiol that can be ingested at meals are more than safe for a pregnant woman; therefore you can continue to use it as you always have, even every week.There are some precautions that you can put in place to take it in serenity, if you really want to be 100% calm: in addition to a thorough washing it is good to prefer fresh and cooked parsley to the detriment of the frozen one. The meticulous washing serves to prevent toxoplasmosis speech and must also be performed for the other aromatic herbs of the kitchen such as basil, fennel, sage and rocket. Make sure you rinse all raw vegetables and fresh fruit well as well.

Parsley in pregnancy can be anything but harmful: it could actually be a good ally for your body because its properties include diuretic and digestive properties, in addition, as well as being an excellent antioxidant, it is also an immunostimulant and remineralizing (due to the presence of vitamins K, A and C). Protects eyesight, preserves bone health and helps blood clotting; and these are just some of its best-known benefits! Did you know that it moisturizes, nourishes and tones, and at the same time activates the energy of the organs?

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You use parsley in the kitchen

Parsley in the kitchen is truly a versatile ingredient, to be used both in the dishes of the summer months (June, July and August) and in winter recipes (in November, December and January).
In the 9 months of waiting, the expectant mother does well to use it in her diet because it helps to monitor diabetes and regulate blood pressure, two very important values ​​for her health and that of the baby she carries in her womb.

Here is where you can use parsley in the kitchen, during pregnancy, but also in everyday life:

  • in soups. The parsley stalks you often throw away can be reused in this timeless recipe. You can customize it according to your tastes and the advantage is that you can keep a reserve in the freezer, ready to be eaten;
  • in omelettes. Parsley goes well with onions and chives, both very good for making a very summer beach omelette or for a picnic on the lawn;
  • to flavor meat, such as chicken escalopes and veal slices, very lean and loved by mothers and children. It is possible to make a green sauce based on this spice that goes very well with boiled meats or finely chop it to insert it into meatballs;
  • as a garnish on pasta and rice first courses;
  • in seafood recipes, sprinkled fresh on peppered mussels, blended with oil and capers or anchovies to give character to the steamed fillets, and with sole alla mugnaia or spaghetti with clams. Practically to enhance all fish dishes that especially during pregnancy are very good for the fetus.

parsley in pregnancy: use it to cook fish