Breast cancer: prevention, symptoms and risk factors

Over 500,000 women die every year from breast cancer - the most common in women - which affects 1 in 8 women over their lifetime.

Although medicine and research have made great strides, breast cancer remains the leading cause of cancer deaths in women, and more than 1 million new cases are diagnosed each year worldwide.

These numbers, although noteworthy, should not scare or impress us: there are many women who survive and there are just as many ways to prevent and intervene in time.

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Breast cancer: risk factors

Although not entirely predictable, breast cancer tends to occur in women over the age of 50 who have had prolonged exposure to hormones and have an unhealthy lifestyle (obesity, alcohol consumption, little physical activity and high-fat diet).

Other factors to keep under control are related to personal and family history: if there are cases of breast cancer it is more likely that you have a predisposition to this disease.

See also

October, breast cancer prevention month

Breast cancer: symptoms, causes, treatments, and the importance of prevention

Breast cancer prevention: how to do it and why it is essential to any e

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Breast cancer: symptoms

Often asymptomatic especially in the initial phase, breast cancer can be discovered through self-examination, where a hard lump is felt in the breast or in the armpit. Other symptoms may instead affect the size or shape of the breast, as well as changes in the skin (red areas or areas with "orange peel" skin) or in the nipple (unusual secretions, erythema or retraction of the same).

In the event that you experience one or more of these symptoms, it is essential to go immediately to the specialist doctor for a more thorough check.

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Breast cancer: early diagnosis and prevention

You can reduce your risk of getting sick with careful behavior and with a few regular check-ups, such as ultrasound, mammography, and clinical examination.

Having a healthy lifestyle is also important, so do not neglect regular physical activity and a balanced diet, low in fat and rich in fruits and vegetables, in particular, never miss broccoli, cabbage, onions, green tea and tomatoes.